Sokka/Merissa: Purple Something

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It takes a while for Toph to fall asleep. I can tell because she keeps her feet parallel to the ground when she's awake, and her legs slowly relax as she dozes off. That's my queue. I tip-toe to one of the blue tents. This one is Sokka's, right?  I lift the fabric and see his bare, toned back. I can feel my cheeks flush and gulp. He turns around and smiles.

"Hey," he says, putting some things away.

"Hey," I walk in. He turns to me on his knees and opens his arms, signalling for a hug. I approach him willingly, but stop when I notice a horrible bruise on his chest, leading to his stomach. The horrible sight makes me freeze. It's purple and blue and pink and ugly. "Sokka, what is this?" I say, lightly tracing the purple with my finger tips, afraid my touch might shatter him.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it." He goes back in to hug me, but I hold him by the shoulders. He winces at that. There's a little less bruising on his upper area, but it still seems uncomfortable.

"Sokka this isn't nothing-"

"Fine, it's not nothing, it's a purple something." He tries to joke around, but I stay serious.

"This isn't just something, it's- it's horrible. Sokka, bruises are internal bleeding you know that right? How come you didn't ask Katara to help you out or, maybe you should've skipped training today or-"

"I said don't worry about it." He's serious, but it pains me that he doesn't want to tell me. It also pains me that he has had to live with this pain since the invasion.

"Sokka," I say. He seems to hear the pain in my voice and turns back.

"It hurts. A lot. I can't get up or lay down or use my sword properly and," his eyes look glossed. "I'm scared to tell anyone because that's a sign of weakness. I already humiliated myself in front of the water tribe warriors and everyone else at the invasion, I'm not going to do that again." He doesn't dare to look at me, all I see is a single tear going down his face. 

"Hey," I lift his chin and take his face into my hands. "I'm not here to scold you, nor tell you that you're weak. It takes a lot of guts to open up to someone like that. Just let me help. Let me heal you. It pains me to see you like this."

There was a silence for a bit, and I couldn't tell if he agreed with me or not.

"And it pains me a lot more that it seems you've forgotten about this." I say and grab his hand, interlocking fingers. He looks back up at me and back away from me. He turns around and just ignores me.

"Sokka, you can't just-" he turns back around and tiredly hands me a flask with water. My face lights up. I get up on my knees and untie his bun, which is already falling apart. He's hair quickly falls, and he's just admiring me through the brown curtain. "Okay." I say and place one hand under his arm, the other on the back of his head. "Relax, completely. I'm going to lower you down slowly." He nods a little and relaxes. I slowly leave him on his sleeping bag, and press a kiss on his cheek. "It's going to feel better, I promise."
     I'm glad Katara taught me how to heal. The water oozed out of the flask easily, and I pressed my hands onto his chest. He winced at first, but then the bruise started to fade. I traced the shape of it for a while, then realized I was just tracing his abs.

"Get up for me," I whisper, and he obeys. Our faces are just inches away when I place my hands on his shoulders, erasing the pain. I return the water into the flask and hear him sigh.

"Thank you." He says. "I don't know how to repay you." His eyes are mesmerizing. If I had the choice, I would drown in them.

"It was a gift." I say, caressing the muscle on his arms slowly. His hands move from my waist to my hips.

"How about I gift you something." He smiles. I blush and smile back.
    I didn't know what a kiss felt like until now. Well, at least Sokka's kiss. It's soft and tender. Like the sun's lying on your lips. When it breaks, you wish it lasted longer. It's the definition of perfect.

"I couldn't have asked for a better one." I whisper and he chuckles. I kiss him. This time it's passionate and inviting. He lowers himself, knowing I won't break away. His hands travel along my waist and onto my hips again, lowering and griping my thighs this time. I break the kiss and throw off my tunic, leaving only a white undergarment on my chest. He flips us over, the kiss deepening. It's exciting and wonderful and I don't want it to stop. He starts to kiss along my jaw, then my neck. My hands are on his back when he reaches my collarbone, scanning the defined muscles. He kisses me one more time, a long and heartfelt kiss, before he breaks away and lays down beside me.
     I prop myself up on my elbow and caress Sokka's face.
"You should sleep." I mutter and trace his jaw. The corner of his mouth turns and forms a smile. He closes his eyes and leans closer to me. He slides his hand from my shoulder down to the wrist that's on his face. He pulls it away and kisses my palm before interlocking his fingers with mine.

"In case you thought I forgot."

A/N: HAHAHA I LOVE THIS SIDE OF SOKKA🫠🫠🫠 bro is a rizzler at his max tbh, I'm prolly gonna write another Sokka story tonight or tomorrow.

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