Racial Tension

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Dear Shallow Judgemental People,

I don't get why people are judged by their race. In my opinion, they should be judged by what's on the inside. Yet that's not how it happens. I'm a Mexican so people assume that I always eat burritos, know how to fix things, and like gardening. None of those things are true for me. I hate that! Why do people always assume that blondes are dumb and Asians are smart?! All races are judged. It's 2015 people, grow up!!! I have friends from all races and skin colours! I hate it when people get bullied about this! Don't judge people based on things they can't change!

Sincerely Yours,

@Sthephani_Granger who wrote to me for this one :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2015 ⏰

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