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The castle of Red, White roses covered in Red paint, and the Queen of Hearts and Her daughter– Ellissabeth Hearts live with other Wonderlanders.

"OFF WIH HER HEAD!!!" The Queen of Hearts screamed as a servant cries out as The Card-Guards take the servant who's crying out for hella long away.
"PLEASE! NO!!!–" The Cries yelled out, "no....no..–" It then fades as it goes away.

"Annoying peasants.." The Queen of Hearts muttered under her breath, sitting on her Throne that was colored in a darkish red, with Cards on the side.
The Queen of Hearts touches her Locket and opens it, showing a picture of..

Of her, Younger–More like 16 years old her and a someone– a Jokster something like that. The Queen of Hearts closes her locket before pathetically sighs. Weakly.

"Mother, there's a letter.." A voice calls out, a Girl with such an short-tempered, Attidude, and fierce voice. Ellissabeth.

"From Auradon."

The Queen of Hearts jumps out of her seat and grabs the letter, reading it slowly before gasping in evil way. "YESS!!!!" She screamed as she hold the letter high up in her clenched hand.

Ellissabeth looks at her Mother, thinking she's insane now. "Uhmm...what'bout it?" She asks as The Queen of Hearts sighs and looks at her.

"Uhm. a letter from Auradon?, giving you a literal new chance to start over life and be in Auradon. C'mon sweet-'heart', Your smart so connect the dots." The Queen of Hearts said, with an calm and abit of a mocking too. Ellissabeth rolls her eyes and went to her Mother, looking at the Letter.

"So...i'm going?" Ellissabeth asks, straightening her dress, A Dark red dress that has a black bodice, a red ruff and a red and yellow harlequin or checkered patterned skirt. She wears black stockings with red hearts and red shoes with gold heels in card patterns, and a Black patterned translucent gloves with a heart-shapes hole trim.

"Ofcourse, what did you expect?" The Queen of Hearts said with alot of mockery as Ellissabeth sighs at her Mother's mocking tone. "Alright, now i know your stupid plan." Ellissabeth said as her Mother gives "well, now i dont need to recall it."

"Whatever." Ellissabeth said before grabbing a tea-cup that's obviously has tea, she sips it and it tasted rotten. "WHAT THE HEAD IS THIS?!?!?!?!?!" Ellissabeth screams, the sipped-tea goes out of her mouth, spilling.

Ellissabeth throws the tea-cup to the wall, it shatters to the floor. "WHO THE HELL MADE THIS HORRIBLE TEA?!?!" Ellissabeth screams at the top of her lungs before cooling down.

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