Chapter 3- Feeding Shows

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We began to ran through the crowd, smiling like crazy. Gray was laughing with sheer joy. Zach grabbed my hand and we ran, making sure I kept close by. The people all stared at us as if we were crazy, which we totally were. The streets seemed more crowded than earlier as we slithered through the people, saying 'sorry', 'excuse me', and 'my bad' as we would occasionally bump into someone. We passed the many stores and restaurants posted around Main Street.

"The next T-Rex feeding will begin shortly. Please note that this show may be disturbing to smaller children". A female voice over a loudspeaker said. Grey stopped, gasped, then jumped up and down and began repeating "T-Rex!" while pointing to the big sign that said 'T-Rex Kingdom'. Once we stopped to catch our breath, I nudged at Zach and he just shook his head and smiled.

"Come on! We're gonna miss it!" Zach sighed. I nodded and Gray ran towards the gates.

"I wish he could calm the hell down!"  Zach exclaimed. I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand. Unlike Grey, Zach and I walked to the show. The worker scanned our wristbands and we were let in early and front row. We joined a small group of people and a tour guide-like person guided us through a narrow, dim tunnel.

"The Tyrannosaurus, typically and mostly known as the T-Rex, hunted for its prey by waiting until it spotted a herd. Once it found one it would watch closely to pinpoint which is the weaker, older, or slowest of the group. Once it found its ideal prey it ran out of the trees that hid it and toward the herd with a mighty roar!" the worker said while we got to what seemed like an emptied out gigantic tree with carpet. It had glass windows every few feet that let us see outside into the paddock. The inside of the paddock was like a tiny forest with tall and small trees, green grass, patches of dirt, plants and some small ponds.

"The T-Rex we have here in Jurassic World was trained to go after a goat we have tied up. Every so often we let it loose so that she can follow her hunting instincts. This particular T-Rex is not new. She is the same T-Rex that broke out of the paddock in the original park Jurassic Park. We did a few tests and found out that Tyrannosaurus are greatly attracted by flares which is what we use to help her locate her prey." Grey looked up at me and smiled as I did to him. Zach held my hand tightly and I looked up at him and he looked down at me and we both smiled at each other.

"Okay, so who's ready to see some Dino action?!?" she said and all the little kids with some teen and parents cheered. The worker smiled and pushed a button. Everyone gathered at the window with their cameras and phones, The button opened a small metal door located in the ground not to far from the viewing window. A flare was then thrown toward the goat as we heard huge stomping noises coming from within the forest. At that moment Grey pushed past everyone and into the front. Suddenly from the back, Zach's phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket and walked back toward the wall to avoid the noise that came from the front as the T-Rex appeared and chomped down on the goat. I got closer to Zach and heard bits of the conversation, well basically just his side.

"Hello?...No yea sorry...No yea its going great Grey is looking at a T-Rex feeding!...Oh no Aunt Claire gave us these passes so we don't have to wait in line...No she's not with us...I know but she said she had work ... Yes mom everything is fine. Okay yea... She wants to talk to you" he handed me the phone.

"Hello?" Zach stayed by my side as I spoke, staring at me.

"Jonny? How's Grey? Has Zach been mean?" Her tone full of concern.

"No, everything is great" I reply and Zach looks at me confused.

"Okay just please be careful! And don't let Grey out of your sight!"

"Yea I promise!"

" Okay then have fun I have to go I need to talk to someone"

"Okay then. I'll take Care of them don't worry Karen".

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