::Shooting Star::

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"Nickel look!" Baseball spoke as the stars shined bright overhead "Oh wow I totally don't see them." Nickel replied sarcastically still looking up in the sky, baseball just rolled his eyes at nickel. "Baseball, look a shooting star" Nickel said trying to point at the object flying through the sky with his legs best he can, baseball looked up and squinted his eyes at the star only to notice it was getting bigger?
"Nickel i don't think that's a star.." Baseball stumbled with his words as he got up from laying down "Huh?" Nickel asked confused getting up to hopefully tell what baseball meant. Nickel glanced at the 'shooting star' again only to then finally notice that it was approaching the two of them rapidly.
"WE SHOULD RUN!" Baseball exclaimed as they both started running to Hotel OJ. As nickel was running he tripped over a rock and fell face first into the grass below him, while nickel struggled to get up baseball looked back a nickel only to notice the thing that they had been running from exactly overhead of the coin,

"NICKEL MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!" Baseball screamed at his friend
"I'M TRYING! ITS HARD TO GET UP FROM BEING FACE FIRST WOTH NO ARMS." Nickel said back as they heard the thing over head start to make noises.

A neon beam shot down from overhead of the small coin as nickel was unable to move under the light. Baseball ran over and tried to get close to the strange light but it only pushed him back as nickel was taken from him into the thing above them.

"NICKEL!" Baseball tried to call out to his friend, there was no response as the light began to fade and dim. Baseball felt tears build up in his eyes, why couldn't he do anything more to help him? He couldn't even save his best friend. Baseball ran into Hotel OJ it was if last hope before he could give up "GUYS THERES SOMETHING OUTSIDE AND IT HAS NICKEL" Baseball's words rang in the lobby of the hotel as people started to get up and rush outside, some cared about nickel, others cared about what was going on outside more than that.
As people rushed outside they stared up the thing was still there, OJ was seen running out of the hotel with paper as they both glanced up at the space ship in the sky. "What is that thing doing here?!" OJ said in a panic, everyone whispered about what it could be as they surrounded the front of the hotel, people tried to climb over each other to get a better look of the unidentified flying object.
"I..I think it's aliens.." Test tube said to fan as he looked at her worriedly nodding a bit in agreement not long after he took out his phone to get picture evidence for later. Baseball looked around at the crowd, he wasn't sure what he expected to happen when he told everyone he had only hoped they would figure out a way to get nickel out from there.

Baseball continued to look up at the thing just unsure about what to do just like everyone in the crowd. Baseball felt tears building up in his eyes again, what was going on up there..? A loud scream echoed through the air as people jumped in fear or just by being shocked. Baseball looked over and noticed suitcase shutting her eyes tightly, but baseball couldn't bring himself to do anything but stare at the ship. He recognized two that scream belonged too.
Suitcase opened ur eyes slightly as she looked over at balloon, she noticed him trying to to pop under all the pressure. Suitcase slowly walking over to him as nudged him on the side as if to say everything was going to be alright, balloon looked at her and gave a worried smile. Both of them knew that they had no clue if they were going to be okay or not.

The screams sickened baseball to hear feeling hot tears stream down his face as he shut his eyes tightly he felt someone's hand on his back and noticed paper, "Baseball..? What happened, what is that thing doing here..?" Paper asked trying to comfort Baseball. Baseball explained what happened to paper as the screams got quieter slowly, people uncovered their ears and exchanged worried and fearful looks. Paper gave Baseball a hug "he'll be okay.." Paper tried to reassure but no matter what he tried baseball couldn't get rid of the guilt he felt.

Fan and test tube were in the back taking to one another. "Do you think it's the Prime Shimmers again?" Fan asked test tube as she looked at him "I don't think so by the looks of it, the ship is quite different from their space ship." Test tube confirmed as she peeked past fan to look at the ship
"I was hoping we would y'know see them again..." Fan looked at the ground defeatedly as test tube put her hand on his shoulder (side??) "I would be great to see them again but we have bigger problems to focus on now" Test tube spoke out taking her hand away from his shoulder, they looked at each other before fan started talking again "Didn't Baseball say Nickel got abducted by the ship earlier.?" Fan said as test tube just remembered why Baseball ran in so frantically "Oh golly!! I forgot about that! I wonder why though" test tube said trying to think of reasoning as she finally said

"isn't it weird the ship hasn't left yet?"

Suitcase and balloon sat down on the cool grass both feeling scared of the ominous space ship flying above them. "So- uh, how do you feel about this space ship thing with Nickel being abducted" suitcase asked trying to break the silence, balloon and nickel's relationship wasn't great but balloon would never wish this upon someone, not even him. "I don!t know how to feel about THIS!" Balloon said the situation much bigger than them, suitcase didn't know what to say so they both just sat there.
A loud sound of an engine starting blasted through the land as everyone was caught off guard. A bright green beam smashed against the ground, everyone looked over to the light to see a a very familiar coin as he was dropped down by the light unconscious. Baseball and a few others went over to Nickel, Baseball slowed his running as he got a closer look at his best friend. Nickel had blue antenna's attached to his head and a tail with star marking on his face. As Baseball slowly got closer to nickel, he spoke up "Nickel..?" Baseball tried to kick nickel but was interrupted by the sound of the ship fleeing the scene the markings and his attachments glowed a dim blue light that light the night sky as I got closer to him.

What happened on that ship..?

(1169 words)

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