013 ; present

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The worst part about being impulsive when it comes to agreeing in bets with Sunghoon was having to comply to it.

Sunghoon has not given her yet what he exactly wants from her and has been keeping her on the edge for a couple of days now. Not only did she now owe her neighbor something, but because of his ever persistent nature to have her watch practice that one time, she now found the prospect of doing it every time a plausible choice. As much as she wants to say she hated it when he would ask, she could not bring herself to lie because she enjoyed watching Jake, enjoyed watching him in his element as he played so well that she regretted not paying attention to it as early as her second year in high school, when Jake's popularity finally bloomed to what it is right now.

Like any other day, she was at the very top bleachers, watching quietly as people began to stare less at her because of their familiarity of her presence. Haesu and Seeun had initially wanted to join her after the massive spread of the information that she now enjoyed watching soccer practice after being so against it initially, but since they had to rush a school project, they were unable to accompany her.

Not that it was any loss, Aeri enjoyed the isolation.

When practice had reached an end and every player were making their way to the bleachers to grab their water bottle as well as towels to bring it over to their locker room, she was about to leave because there was nothing to do then anyway, but when the phone in her pocket began to ring, she halted, especially when she saw who was calling her.

"Hey, are you still there on the bleachers?" Jake asks from the other line.

"Yeah. Why'd you ask?" Aeri asked back, looking around to see if she could spot anyone she knew looking at her or better yet listening in on her conversation.

"Let's go out. It's been a while since I've last seen you." He said, and she swore her heart almost fell from her chest because this was way out of the blue.

Lately, their contact with one another was growing rust because of how rare it has become. Back in the summer, they used to spend hours talking to each other in their phones or watching movies Jake would think she liked, but ever since they returned to school and much of their past had caught up with them, she was lucky enough even to have a conversation with him.

Or better yet, have one where they weren't fighting.

"U-Uh sure? But really, this afternoon?" She asked, finally continuing what she was initially doing which was going down the bleachers.

Aeri heard Jake chuckle from the other line. "Yeah. I know afternoon dates are unlike of us but it's better than having to wait until later tonight to see you."

"You're acting weird, I hope you know that." Aeri commented.

"I just want to make up for everything that has been happening to us recently." Jake finally spoke of his true intentions. "I know I haven't been treating you the right way, but I promise to do better this time and I plan on starting that during this date."

Her lips formed into a thin smile. "I guess you being aware of it somehow means that you actually know your mistakes."

"Meet me at the parking lot in a few minutes. Nobody will be there after a while, I promise." That was the last thing she heard before Jake dropped the call, leaving her no chance to say anything right after.

But Aeri couldn't care less, all she was thinking of at that moment was this date because this could be the rekindling of what they used to have before the summer came to an end. Even when Sunghoon appeared in front of her, a teasing smile plastered on his annoyingly handsome face as he blocked her way from completely being with the person she was deeply crazy for, all she thought about was gaining back a part of her that she felt like was slipping away.

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