Chapter 13: The tigers

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Itadori and Taiga wasted time talking about school. - "I train Kendo, you know? But because of that, the boys keep calling me Tiger of Fuyuki... It ANNOYS me!" - Taiga said angrily.

'I'm almost sure that's not why they call you that name...' - Itadori thought. - "When I studied, they called me the Tiger of the West." - Itadori said.

"What a sad coincidence... Did you stop studying?" - Taiga asked.

"Well... A lot happened, my grandfather got sick and I had to leave school to take care of him, since he was my only family..." - said Itadori, lying to Taiga.

"Was? He... Died?" - Taiga asked.

Itadori decided to continue with his half-truth. - "Yes. After he passed away, I no longer saw a point in going back to studying."

"I understand... But you know you can't take a leave of school, you seem like someone nice. I don't want to see someone like you without at least having finished studying." - Taiga said worriedly.

"You're right... Speaking of which, at a time like this, weren't you supposed to be at school?!" - asked Itadori.

"Due to these cases of sudden disappearances, the school decided to take an early break." - Said Taiga.

"Ah, really... There's a lot of strange things happening here." - Itadori said.

"Yes, a lot of strange things. A friend of mine who works in a store had an entire barrel of wine stolen, how could that be?!" - Taiga said.

'Barrel... Of wine?! Don't tell me that Rider...' - thought Itadori.

"I'm going to find this guy!... My friend told me he looked like a brute." - Taiga said.

Itadori had an idea. - "I think I know who it was... Follow me." - Itadori said, dragging Taiga to the city center.

"A-ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Do you know who it was?!" - Said Taiga being dragged by Itadori.

"Yes. He lives here around the city, it will be very easy to recognize him." - Itadori said.

After a while, the two were walking around the city of Fuyuki looking for Rider and Waver.

"Ah... I don't think we'll be able to find him..." - Said Taiga, saddened.

The two stopped in a small square under a tree. - "Taiga.... If you had the possibility to make one wish come true, which wish would you make?"

Taiga was quite thoughtful. - "Hm.... Ah, I would ask for a lot of things. Money, fame, a lot of things! But why such a sudden question?"

Itadori was thoughtful. - "Could it be that if my wish altered the past, I would regret it?" - Itadori said.

"Ever heard of the butterfly effect? It's a metaphor that describes the sensitivity of complex systems to initial conditions, where small changes can lead to significantly different results in the long term." - Taiga said.

"Chaos theory.... I know that altering the past can be problematic for several reasons. The past shapes who we are now, maybe if I did that, I wouldn't even exist now." - Itadori said.

"Exactly. This suggests that something as small and seemingly insignificant as the flapping of a butterfly's wings in one place can, theoretically, influence the climate elsewhere in the world. Furthermore, our memories and experience are fundamental to who we are today. There's also that kind of ethical and philosophical thing about whether it's right or wrong to interfere in the natural course of things." - Taiga said.

"You're actually quite intelligent, Taiga." - Itadori said laughing at the girl.

"Yeah, I know....HEY! I'M REALLY SMART!" - Said Taiga, very enraged.

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