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'Ding dong, 

Here I come to find you

Hurry up and run

Let's play a little game and have fun

Ding dong

Where is it you've gone to?

Do you think you've won?

Our game of hide and seek has just begun'

- Hide & Seek by Nightcore


It was dark, so dark that even a human eye could only perceive is an endless color of pitch black. The place devoid with any light but whispers, small buzzing whispers filled the eerie atmosphere. 

Where am I?

My throat felt sore. Even though I tried to come up with a sound, I couldn't even do so. The buzzing continued still. I was about to go mental.

See every one has their own share of fear and mine was, unfortunately so, a life where no light exists. Well that was one. I was a normal human being scared of lot of things. Spiders. Snakes. Things that crawl around. The ocean. Heights. Sharp objects. Clowns. And a whole lot more. But darkness, darkness makes me claustrophobic you see. It takes the air that I breathe and the space that I need - that's how I feel supposedly so. Trapped in a box to sum it up. 

Though putting aside, I try to conquer each by putting my faith and trust to the heavens above. However, right now, as I couldn't see anything but black, I felt I needed to shout because as this will continue, I will cry and my dopamine levels will increase to its supposed to be normal capacity.

"He know... he already knows."

"We have to act fast. We need to find the bitch." A hiss vibrated through.

"What is Vitpesid doing?! Did he not start already? He's in the human world for seventeen fucking days already!  That asshole!"

"What a shameful that brat of a devil is!"

"A good for nothing bastard!"

"I don't know why he gets the most important job there is! A century passed yet still he hasn't find that filthy fruit! And Lucifer said he'd be the best devil for that!"

"SILENCE!" A loud booming voice that made all my hairs of my skin rose up echoed thoroughly. It was chilling, as if death called me. The buzzes continued yet I couldn't even make up the words that was said aloud. "How dare you question me and my judgments?!"

A deafening piercing silence arose that I pursed my lips. 

What was happening? What was that?

It was then I felt hot. My body clamped with sweat. I need to see a light.

"B-b-but sire, out of d-disrespect, but H-He, the creator of all things had..."

"Are you afraid of him then Ivne? Are you most afraid of Him than me?"

"N-no sire."

"The prophecy will continue. And Vitpesid has already found her. He's just taking his most proper time... After all we need to wait until she turns eighteen... it has been in the prophecy that the..." a pause followed until I felt someone watching me in the dark. No, not only just someone but I had this crazy feeling that pairs of eyes were burning their stares at me. On my direction. Scared. I looked around. Searching for something. Anything. But it was only darkness that I could see. Endless pitch of black. "I see we have a visitor."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2015 ⏰

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