Two pink lines

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Turning the stick over, two pink lines started us right back in our faces. "Two pink lines"Kyra whispered, her tears dampening my shoulder. "Two pink lines" turning around letting my tears fall bring my hands up to her face a wiping her tears away " we're going to be moms "

In the moment the reality of what the test really meant sank in we are going to be moms we where going to have a baby in 9 months a little human that would depend on us Amidst my excitement and nerves I'm scared what if I'm a bad mom " kyra I'm scared " pulling away look down at me with confusion and concern  spreads over her face " why are you scared " looking any where but her " what if I do something wrong what if something happens to the baby kyra what if I fuck up what if w- " putting her hand over my mouth to stop me talking " you won't you will be the best mom in the world and if something happens we will do our best to fix it we will just have to wait and see put you and I will try our best I know that"

Putting my head on her chest " I love you kyra and I can't wait to have a little you running around " her chest jumping up and down as she chuckles " i love you to I think your going to take that back at some point "

Short aging I know but I'm trying to make them longer What do you think of it soo far and I will be trying to get a cheaper of one of the other thing out soon

Stay safe eat something drink water

Until next time

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