[Voice Note Transcript]

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Date: 20.11.2038

Subject: Humanity's Failure

This is Dr. Emily Hughes, recording this message in the hopes that it will reach anyone still willing to listen. As a scientist, I have dedicated my life to understanding the world around us, but what I have witnessed in recent days has left me questioning everything.

Humanity, once thought to be the pinnacle of evolution, has failed. We have devolved into monsters, sacrificing innocent lives in a desperate bid for survival. We have abandoned our morals, our compassion, and our humanity in the face of adversity.

I have seen families torn apart, communities destroyed, and unspeakable acts committed in the name of self-preservation. But at what cost? Are we truly willing to sacrifice our humanity to cling to a fleeting existence?

We were meant to be stewards of this planet, caretakers of life in all its forms. Instead, we have become destroyers, willing to kill and maim without remorse to prolong our own existence.

But I refuse to accept this as our fate. We may have faltered, but it is not too late to reclaim our humanity. We must strive to be better, to do better, for the sake of future generations and for the sake of our own souls.

I urge you, my fellow humans, to remember who we are capable of being. Let us not be defined by our darkest impulses, but by the compassion, empathy, and love that reside within each of us.

This is Dr. Emily Hughes, signing off, with hope for a better tomorrow.

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