Begning of the end pt 3

25 1 0

<<Gargantua Dragon>>
{Lvl: 7}

<<Atk: 2500 Def: 2000>>[Effect: Once per battle phase this card can make a direct attack to the opponent]

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<<Atk: 2500 Def: 2000>>
[Effect: Once per battle phase this card can make a direct attack to the opponent]

Kokuta Stood in shock as Y/n summoned a card he hadn't seen in years.

Kokuta: How could he it doesn't matter unless he can do that..

Y/n: I place two cards face down and end my turn!

Kokuta: Good..Draw! This will due nicely..I place two cards face down and end my turn!

Y/n: DRAW! I gotta try and play this right. But thats a strong card. Effect wise it doesn't have anything going for it but attack wise that things a tank..I move straight to battle phase and use my monsters effect turning what would be an attack on your monster into a attack on you!

Gargantua dragon tightens its grip on its blade im a blur the dragon appears in front of Kokuta slashing dealing massive damage.



The crowd oos and awws in amazement that a unknown duelist like Y/n could beat Someone as good as kokuta.

Tyi: GO Y/N!

|Kokuta lp: -2500|

|Kokuta lp: 5,400|

Kokuta: Come forth Eco!

Y/n: Huh?!

Specter: ~Hope you dont die kid~

Specter: ~Hope you dont die kid~

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