Chapter 6

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I'm portraying Damian as british so he'll often refer to things in british ways such as referring to Integra as mum, calling math, maths, when he's trying to talk to someone he might go oi, he might refer to Mina and other girls in his harem as luv, remember despite spending the first seven years of his life in Japan, he is still actually half British half Romanian, and has spent the last few years in the UK.

Damian, Mina, and Ruby headed home after their first day of school, "I have feeling this was our easiest day," Damian said.

"I doubt you'll have too many problems," said Mina.

The Next Afternoon

Mina and Damian sat in their first hero class of the day, in the mornings UA hero course students had their typical general studies, Maths, english, the like, like any normal class it was boring, but after those classes they got lunch, pretty good food they could get for cheap thanks to the pro hero Lunch Rush who worked as the chef of the cafeteria, after lunch was the class they all were looking forward at hero course students, hero basic training classes.

"WE... ARE... HERE... coming through the door like a hero," said All Might as he and Green Telek walked in, and Izumi slammed her head down on the desk hard.

Meanwhile most of the class fawned over All-Might and Green Telek, except for Izumi, and Damian.

"Welcome your most important class, consider it hero 101," said Green Telek.

"Here you'll learn the basics of being a pro, and what it means to fight in the name of good, let's get into it," said All-Might.

"Todays lesson we'll pull no punches," they said together holding up a card that said battle.

"Fight training," growled Bakugou with a smirk.

"One of the keys to being a hero is, looking good," said All Might as brief cases came from the wall.

"these were designed for you based on your quirk registration forms and the request you sent in before school started," said Green Telek.

"Get yourselves suited up and then meet us at training ground beta," said All Might.

Everyone went to the locker room to change Damian took out his hero suit and dressed into it.

Everyone went to the locker room to change Damian took out his hero suit and dressed into it

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"You sure about that costume?" asked Kirishima.

"It is kind of scary and does make you look kind of like a villain," said Kaminari.

"That's the point, I want my enemies to be afraid of me, I don't plan to be a hero like All Might, the more people are afraid to run into me in the night, the more likely they are to not do crime," said Damian as he put on the skull mask.

"Besides I think this outfit looks really cool," said Damian.

"Ok that's fair," said Kaminari.

The students came out to Training ground beta, Izumi was the last to come out, she wore a green bunny like outfit.

The students came out to Training ground beta, Izumi was the last to come out, she wore a green bunny like outfit

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(She's using the vigilante Deku arc rebreather, the one that looks like it has sharp fangs almost)

"Not a bad look Yagi," said Damian.

"Thanks Hellsing-San," said Izumi.

Damian noticed the rebreather she was wearing, they were jagged and kind of like fangs, "what's with the design of the rebreather?" asked Damian.

"It used to look more like my dads smile, but I had it altered, my brothers quirk gave him sharp fangs so as a homage to him, I decided to base it off those, this suit used to also have a cowl that looked like my dads hair, and bunny ears, but I honestly tossed those, if I really need some kind of mask, I'll just put in a request for a domino mask," said Izumi.

As the two stood talking the assignment was explained by All Might and Green Telek, they would be two on two mock battles with groups of two randomly thrown together by lots.

"Not a bad way of making us work together, heroes are often thrown together into random teams," Damian thought to himself.

Damian was paired up with Izumi and they were against Iida and Katsuki Bakugou.

The only thing that Damian could think was "fuck the hell yes," both were gunning for Bakugous head for the same reason, what happened to Damian Yagi as a child.

While Damian and Izumi waited outside memorizing the map they talked, "do they expect us to memorize the whole map?" asked Izumi.

"I don't think so, I think we're each supposed to memorize at least half, you seem weirdly excited to take on Bakugou," Damian said.

"Yeah I am actually, see he's one of the kids I told you about, one of the ones who attacked my brother and got off scott free because he had a future as a hero," said Izumi as she growled.

"I've hated him ever since, but what about you, your also seemingly going after Bakugou, a reason why?" asked Izumi.

"He's a prick," said Damian.

"Guess that's as good a reason as any," said Izumi.

The training started and they snuck in through a window and went down the hall, "careful there are plenty of blind spots," said Izumi.

"My superhuman senses should be able to cover us," said Damian.

As they walked the halls, Damian grabbed Izumi and pulled her back as Bakugou came flying down the hall.

"It's about time Bakubitch," Damian said.

"I'm gonna hurt you both so bad they'll have to stop the fight, no one shows me up," yelled Bakugou as he tried to attack Damian with a large right hook but Damian.

"Haven't changed at all have you Bakubitch, still starting the fight with a projected big right hook," said Damian.

"How does he know that?" Bakugou thought to himself.

Damian took off his mask, "I'm done hiding in the shadows from you Bakugou," growled Damian angrily.

"Who the hell do you think you are, I don't even know you," said Bakugou.

"Huh, how plane can I make this bitch, maybe I need to show you," said Damian as Shadow Matter covered him and he shifted into a young boy with a half burnt face, and a missing right arm.

"Remember me now," he croaked in a voice that sounded drier than the savannah desert during a drought.

Everyone who knew Damian Yagi eyes widened, none more so than Izumi's this whole time he was there in front of her.

Damian turned back into his true form, "So remember me now, how's it feel to see your last great mistake crawled from the depths of Hell to drag you down," hissed Damian.

"It doesn't matter who or what you are, your still nothing but an insect to me," yelled Bakugou as he tried to use his explosion quirk.

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