Serpents Lair Structure

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I am going to explain the entire structure of our Slytherin Club

At the top are the two head of the houses which does not change unless one of us decides to quit which has a probability which tends to 0.

Then comes the seven years. The head of the seven years are 2 prefects each.

the seven years are as follows:

7th year (Diamond members)- This is the highest year. We will be taking 10 members not including the prefects as of now. 

6th year (Sapphire members)- 10 members not including prefects as of now.

5th year (Ruby members)- 10 members not including prefects as of now.

4th year (Emerald members)- 10 members not including prefects as of now.

3rd year (Topaz members)- 10 members not including prefects as of now.

2nd year (Quartz members)- 10 members not including prefects as of now.

1st year (Opal members)- No prefects and can take unlimited members.

If you want your year to increase, you will have to be an active member. Demotion of year is also possible. So, stay as active as possible. Remember it's not based on how long you are there but how active you are.

Prefects: Every year except 1st year has prefects. Prefects can award up to 50 points and deduct 30 points. Prefects change after 6 months. The highest-ranking prefect is the diamond member prefect. Diamond prefects can choose the Quartz and Topaz prefects.

Year Award: The year with maximum points will win the year awards. A year in Slytherin club is equivalent to 6 months. This will begin after we have members at least till Ruby members. They we will be given a shoutout on my message board and will be followed till the next year award from my ID   onlybooks_everbooks

Member Award: The most active member will be given an award based on how active they are. They will be given a shoutout on my message board and made prefects. They will be followed from my ID till next member award onlybooks_everbooks.

Head Girl/Boy: If you win the member award for more than 2 times you are given this position. You are also given a permanent follow and shoutout from my message board. If you have this position you can award up to 200 points and deduct up to 100 points.

Thank you @Lyra_Nightshadefor the idea of using precious stone names as members instead of mixing stones and metals. Also, thanks in advanced for making the banners and book covers. 

So, all of you please be active. I am still looking for uniform idea!! All of you who will give the uniform idea will be given 10 points. The one which will get selected will be given 20 points. So, search up guys.

Also, it would be great if you can put this in your private reading list. You can get the updates then.

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