Ever Never Land

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Each day arrives wrenched in pain,

slopping over with undigested matter. Simply...

there's little time for the exacting

single-mindedness needed for triage. Too often

the living are thrown onto the heap

along with the dead. Decaying dross

quickly buries gems and pearls. What to do

when there's no REAL time, when every moment

compresses to include the one before

until NOW weighs a ton and must be heaved

(for survival's sake) aside with tears

of regret and unmet expectation? As hard as we try,

we can't seem to get our ducks in a row

before each one's shot down, point-

blank, by the next imperative.

Yours, mine... no matter escapes

the gravity of the situation. Inner, outer, utter

loss of dignity only mimics true

distress, twisting like a worm

at the heart of existence.

They said it would all boil down

to this ONE thing, in the end. Still...

How can you prepare for something

your brain refuses? No, no, and no.

Is that a way to begin your day after day... into

infinity? So... being kind, being good - so un-

accountably good - having the sensitive antennae

of empaths, and long slow wicks to anger,

we take and we take and we take it all

on. Collapse being our only foreseeable future.

Well, OK. What about the ONE? Could it be that

simple? As the pendulum swings,

we, of the human persuasion, are torn

between naked singularities: ever and never.

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