Chapter 3 💫

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As Rhonda was traveling as fast as she could, Branch, was looking at the same clueboard he used to track down his bros, but this time it has pictures of stars and the City of Wizards

"Cmon, if I was a secret city located beyond the clouds where would I be....?" Branch Said, Looking At The Pictures

Frustrated, he throws himself onto the floor holding a pencil while Floyd stands over him

"Branch, it's gonna be fine. We'll fix this mess no problem..." Floyd Said "Besides the city shouldn't be that hard to find should it?"

"It shouldn't, but what if we don't make it? What if WE have nightmares too?! What if end up JUST like-?!" Bruce Slaps Branch Across The Face, Desperate To Get Him Under Control

"Get ahold of yourself! It's gonna be fine. We just have to find the City of Wizards or whatever the hell it's called and see what's going on. Shouldn't be too hard, right?" Bruce Said

"I guess...." Branch Sighed As He Got Up And Sat On Rhonda's Couch, Poutingly

"BaBy yOu LiGhT uP mY wOrLd LiKe nO bOdY eLsE- tHe wAYy tHat yOu fLiP yOur hAiR gEts mE oVeRWhELmEd-" Clay Sang Horribly, Not Even Paying Attention

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"BaBy yOu LiGhT uP mY wOrLd LiKe nO bOdY eLsE- tHe wAYy tHat yOu fLiP yOur hAiR gEts mE oVeRWhELmEd-" Clay Sang Horribly, Not Even Paying Attention

"CLAY! TWO THINGS!! ONE: You completely butchered the song you monster! 👺 and TWO: CANT YOU SEE WE'RE TRYING TO SAVE THE WORLD HERE?!!" Branch Exaggerated

"Relax! I care just about this mission as you clowns! Im just taking my time with it..!" Clay Crossed His Arms

"Take your time with this di-" Bruce Muttered

"WHAT DID YOU SAY 👺?!" Clay Shouted

"GUYS SHUT UP! IM TRYING TO LISTEN TO KID CUDI!!" John Dory Shouted From The Driver's Seat

"Ayyy, you listening to one of my songs? :D" Clay Asked

"Yeah, right, Kid Coochie..." Bruce Said


"Hey guys? What's the big shining star thats surrounded by buildings? It looks like something we're looking for but I can't put my finger on it..." John Tapped His Chin

Floyd and Branch push John out of the way so they can get a closer look
"ITS THE CITY OF WIZARDS!!!" They Both Shouted

"Oh yeah, yeahhhh, that's really really great....but did you HAVE TO PUSH ME?!" John Cried Out

"Look at you, John! You're finally putting that squareliness to good use!" Branch Said

"THATS using your head! :D" Floyd Added

"Well, what are we waiting for?! Let's step on it!" Clay Said

Branch grunts affirmatively and presses on Rhonda's gas pedal as they all soar high up in the skies until they finally break and reach the City of Wizards entrance gate, which is half broken

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