Poppy playtime theory

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Also keep note idk if someone has already solved this or did a theory on it
So lmk or debunk my theory lol

why are the toys alive?

My theory goes
That all the toys were either made out of soul, organs,and robotic parts
Like maybe if huggy and kissy were made from children souls (BAHAHHAHAH I JUST THOUGHT OF HUGGY FALLING DOWN THE PIPES...off topic anywho)...if they were made of soul maybe that could be why they are kinda limp (like kissys arm when she struggles to lift the lever in chapter 3)

While others like mommy long legs had organs Whitch explains the blood when she died .
And robotic parts we see this with prototype (keep this name in mind pls

Or maybe they are made of a combination
Like with prototype
(Robotic parts and bone structures)
However something we can't see is "soul"
Like Google says "the toys in poppy playtime aren't possessed by children"

But who said anything about possession??
Mini theory-
What is a soul??

A soul in the dictionary is
"the spirit or immaterial part of man, the seat of human personality, intellect, will, and emotions. regarded as an entity that survives the body after death"

If I'm getting this info right a soul is something that gives life/personality to someone.
Like a soul is what makes you well you.
Without your soul you might just be plain or everyone would be the same.

Ok I'm kinda confusing meself here
So let's just separate the soul and body from someone

The person still lives because they have there most important organs intact but their soul/personality is gone
Without the soul that personality, intellect, will, and emotions in that person is gone. When the soul is removed what if that personality disappears because you kinda mold that soul into something throughout your life however the ability to feel emotions of that soul stay intact because you do not necessary control those emotions completely.

What I mean by emotions is the ability to feel things like happiness sadness ect* instead of being a sort of lifeless emotionless being. What if that soul is put into something else those emotions will "bring life/emotion" to whatever is put into it or in this case of theory 18 ft tall as heck toys.

Maybe that's how some are able to show emotions and seem like more human like.

Ok so maybe all the toys in poppy playtime are made of one or a combination of things like stated in the first few somewhat paragraphs at the top.

Like maybe toys like huggy and mommy are made out of soul and organs


If he was made from a soul that could explain why he's kinda limp like a rag doll. but how can he stand and chase after us if he's just soul? There is a possibility that he's also has bone structure in his legs/back allowing him to stand

*The bones of the human body are made up of living cells that need a blood supply to stay healthy. In osteonecrosis, blood flow to part of a bone is disrupted. This results in death of bone tissue, and the bone can eventually break down and the joint will collapse.*

If he also has bone structure then, than explains also why he has blood he needs it so the bone tissue doesn't die.
However there is a pothole in this huggy doesn't seem to show much emotion and if he does not truley have a soul then why is he so limp? Maybe the lack of bone structure?

(Wait I'll discuss this later just keep in mind that
Huggy was made in 1984
Mommy was made in 1981
Maybe the scientists made improvements into how exactly they made the toys come to life)

Mommy long legs

There a possibility that she doesn't have much bone structure because of her stretching limbs
But she has organs that for sure.
That's how she died
When we crushed her in that grinder thing hand and foot are the first gets caught and pulls her in. she starts to panic but no blood is shown yet only until her lower half is pulled in the blood comes out! That's probably where her organs were located. Mommy long legs probably has a soul as well letting her feel emotions.

Dogday (tw talking abt organs in detail)
Dogday has organs and a soul as well but the question is how was he able to survive well he was ripped from the waist down let's take a look at that.
If they were made from human organs then his body should look like this

If they were made from human organs then his body should look like this

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Now let's made a lil estimate of where he was ripped.

There we go! So his instestans where kinda cut off there's two ways this could go Either His intestines where shoved upwards then wrapped to keep them inside Or His intestines were ripped out completely

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There we go!
So his instestans where kinda cut off there's two ways this could go
His intestines where shoved upwards then wrapped to keep them inside
His intestines were ripped out completely

*Most people can live without a stomach or large intestine, but it is harder to live without a small intestine. *

The point of catnap doing this was probably not to keep dogday alive but to well torture him (my poor baby) by ripping out his intestines it would make it harder for him to live.

As for the bladder

*Can a person live without a bladder? Yes, you can live without a bladder, but you'll need a new reservoir to hold pee that your kidneys produce*

I don't think dogday was even fed so I don't think he really needed to well go..

(Well that was kinda disgusting to talk about)

But maybe that's how dogday survived for the time that he did.

(There will be a part 2 to this but I gotta get ready for school)
Pls let me know what you think

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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