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Jenn: Hey can we talk?

Jenn: R U ignoring me?

Me: I was busy

Jenn: Just wanted to make sure ur ok

Me: I'm fine

Jenn: Sorry for leaving u

Me: It's fine

Jenn: Can we meet up?

Me: No

Jenn: Y?

Jenn: I said I was sorry

Jenn: So now ur ghosting me?

Jenn: Screw you

I stared at the messages from Jenn, debating whether to respond. Ultimately deciding against it, I put my phone on the desk in my room and flopped down on the bed.

I wish I had Alora's number.

The thought popped up intrusively, seemingly out of nowhere. It was stupid. Why would I want her number?

I brushed the thought aside. I hadn't needed companionship before; I didn't need it now, either.

But falling out with Jenn did make me concerned that I wasn't going to succeed on the Commander's social skills mission.

Finding the Anomaly suddenly seemed like a more surefire to earn the Commander's respect rather than relying on the whims of teenage girls.

So I headed downstairs to see if I could get some intel out of Ferris that I could use to help start my search. I found him on the couch, staring at his computer and scribbling furiously in a notebook.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I sank into an armchair across from him.

"I'm brainstorming," he said excitedly, without even looking up. "Basically- "

"I'm going to the grocery store," Park said, interrupting both of us as she left the house. "Maybe a good time for you two to have that talk."

I watched as she shut the door behind her, then turned back to Ferris.

"What talk?"

Ferris sighed as he put down his pen and took off his reading glasses. "Seth, given your...unique circumstances, we realized that you may never have gotten education about certain...things. I mean, it's not like the Agency typically takes in pre-pubescent boys."

It took a moment to realize what Ferris was talking about, but once I did, I felt my face flush crimson.

"Please, for the love of God, do not give me the birds and the bees speech. I'm not going to sleep with anyone undercover. I'm a professional."

"We know," Ferris replied in a tone of voice that made it clear that he didn't know. "But teenage hormones can be powerful things, and it's important to know about protection and-"

"The Commander gave me a book years ago," I replied flatly, not trying to hide my annoyance that no one seemed to believe that I was capable of abstinence.

"Oh. Well, if you have any questions, you can always ask me."

"How many women have you slept with, Ferris?" I asked pointedly.

He hesitated. "If you have any questions, you can always ask Park."

I raised my eyebrows.

"If you have any questions, there's always the internet. Just...don't do anything stupid, okay?"

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