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ANEMONE SPENT THE next two days trying to figure out how to help Mizzen win

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ANEMONE SPENT THE next two days trying to figure out how to help Mizzen win. Of course, she wanted to win the prize. But first of all, she had the life of a child in her hands.

She wanted to go to the zoo, but Arachne spent the whole time shouting next to her. Anemone didn't want to go with her twin sister, who would scare Mizzen away. Or would she?

The Cranes sat at the table, consuming the supper. "How's it going with your tributes?" Jovian started, as he picked the spaghetti on his plate.

"I haven't seen mine yet," Anemone mumbled. "Neither did I! And why should I?" Arachne bawled. "She's dirty ass slaughterhouse!"

"Hey, don't call her like that!" Anemone scowled as she stopped picking on her food. "She's just a girl being." She added, glancing at her parents carefully. Junius scoffed, "Don't be ridiculous, Anemone. They are a bunch of animals."

"Dad, come on," Jovian started quietly, sending a glance towards Marilla, who took a sip of her wine, ignoring the whole situation.

"You shall be quiet, Jovian. The mentorship has nothing to do with you." Junius scolded. "Let him speak when he wants to." Anemone's face hardened as she pierced Junius with her gaze.

When it came to her and Jovian, they would always stand up for each other.

"Junius is right," Marilla sighed. "You shouldn't get too close to these animals."

"Of course Daddy was right!" Arachne shouted. Classical daddy's girl.

"Well, we don't need your shouts involved!" Anemone raised her voice. "Says Anemone! The Black Sheep!" Arachne laughed mockingly, still almost yelling.

Anemone's blood boiled. She wanted to pounce on her twin and sent a few punches straight in her face. But (somehow) she managed to sit still.

"Quiet! Everyone to your room! Right! Now!" Junius bawled, making Anemone, Arachne, and Junius flinch.

Anemone was the first one to storm off and lock herself in the bedroom.

Arachne was right. She was the Black Sheep.


The twenty-four mentors spent the morning in a seminar led by Professor Demigloss, their excitable old history professor. The class brainstormed ideas on how to get people to watch the Hunger Games.

"Show me I haven't been wasting my time with you for four years," He said. "If history teaches you anything, it's how to make the unwilling comply."

Sejanus' hand went up directly. "Ah, Sejanus?"

"Before we talk about making people watch, shouldn't we begin with the question of whether or not watching is the right thing to do?" Sejanus asked. "Let's stay on topic, please.". Professor Demigloss scanned the room for a more productive answer. "How do we get people to watch?"

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