CHAPTER 4: Any Port in a Storm

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The sky was clear, not a single cloud could be found. The wind rushed through the pegasus's wings. Circling above the sea, Smiling brightly in his uniform. He began to sing.

"Again, today I'll go soaring through the sky!

My Enemies, I dish 'em up in a stir fry!

Gracious goddess of light, watches from up above!

At dinner time I always show the cook some looove~!" Just as he finished a beeping in his ear drew his attention.

"Ensign Cake! The Zebra Empire is attacking the HMS Celestia! We need Captain Equestria" The voice screamed. The pegasus nodded audibly. He pulled out a button and pressed it.

"Soul-lar Reactor Activate!" he yelled as he was consumed in a blinding light. The pegasus was now enveloped in a gloriously shining armor with the flag of Equestria emblazoned on his chest and back.

"For Truth! Justice! And the Equestrian way!" He yelled as he dive bombed toward the Zebra Battleship. Smashing onto the deck. Several snarling zebras advanced on Captain Equestria.


The zebras fell down in dramatic fashion after being assaulted in unarmed combat. Captain Equestria looked around assessing his surroundings heroically.

"Ahh, Captain Equestria! So good to come to your doom!" a Zebra officer announced.
"Legate Laudanum!" Captain Equestria gasped.

"The Same! Are you prepared to die for your pitiful country?" the Legate taunted.

"I'll die for my country any day but you won't get the satisfaction!" The Captain retorted. The Legate laughed as his right eye opened to reveal a glowing laser. A glowing ball of hard light appeared before the Captain. The blasts of energy from the two opponents collide with a burst of light.

Who will come out on top! Find out in the next issue of Captain Equestria!

*Do your part children and recycle cans and paper like this issue for the war effort! Every little bit counts!*

*This comic is produced by the Ministry of Morale and edited by the Ministry of Image.*

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"Well that sucks!" I heard Éclair announcing after putting away the comic book. "Gettin' right to where the good part is and jus' they end it on ya!"

"It's called a cliffhanger, Éclair" I said. "Comics always do that to you to get you to buy the next one." Éclair was pouting. She was right though. The way they ended the first issue sucked. Now if they had done a movie adaptation, then they'd have to wrap up the climax. Then just lead to the foreshadowing of the next two potential sequels. Providing it does well enough in the box office.

"Any luck on that radio?" I asked Sorbet. She had been fiddling with the radio and both of their PipBucks ever since that broadcast went through a couple hours ago.

"Spotty, even after I boosted our reception with my PipBuck. Can't keep the signal long enough to get anything good." She twisted some knobs for a few moments. The static buzz of the radio would give way to a couple notes from a song then cut out again. "Honestly, I'm surprised DJ-PON3's station can even reach out here. Broadcasting from Tenpony Tower, which is miles from the coast I might add, all the way out here."

"So who is this DJ-PON3 anyway?" I asked. I was surprised anypony even listened to the radio, let alone run a radio station.

"Somepony who in addition to playing decent music, does news reports on the happenings all across Equestria. How he does it I'm not sure, but if his signal can reach out here then maybe I can keep tabs on Stable City", she said aloud. 'And the rest of Equestria' I thought to myself.

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