CHAPTER 1: Opening Scene

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Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria...

War, War never changes. It was once said that the fate of the world hinged on friendship. It was so much a fact of life that when it was cast aside wholesale, the entirety of Ponykind was punished for it. In just two short hours most of the planet was reduced to cinders. Some had the good fortune to survive the apocalypse by taking shelter in the great underground shelters called Stables. The less fortunate attempted other, more desperate measures. A rushed mass migration took place as ponies set sail from the mainland, sailing on anything that could float, hoping to reach the Summer Sunset Isles. All of them gambling that the resort islands would be spared the holocaust. What waited for them was Toxic fire and dark magic raining from the sky. The surviving ships disappeared behind a vast wall of wild weather; cutting Summer Sunset Isles from the rest of the world. The survivors would then seek out an existence in the Oceanic Wasteland.

Fallout Equestria: Dark Shores

I guess this is where you'd get the scrolling text or some narrator telling the audience the who, what, when, where, and why of the story. If the director is good, they can tell the exposition though the story without a boring the viewer. Really good directors can nab the audience's interest with just one line. Well, here goes nothing.
My name is Riptide, and I am a Seapony.

Heh, Figured that'd get your attention. Yes, Seaponies do exist. We didn't originally. At least not in the traditional sense. We were fictional. Something you'd see in a picture book or children's movie. We are a product of the apocalypse. The first of us, Lord Poseidon, was born roughly ten years after the end of the old world. He rose and brought the rest of the Seaponies into existence with him and ruled over Oceania. Fifty years later he shed his mortal shell to govern the seas of the world as Celestia and Luna governed the sun and moon. He left a void of power that, to this day, left the seaponies scattered and alone. Or that's how the myth goes. He's more of a saint than a god, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was a cult of him somewhere.

You're probably curious about seaponies in general. We're a tribal society, spaced out in isolated parts of Oceania. There are three types of us. Just like normal ponies. We have your run of the mill seapony with two front legs, a mane and a back end like a dolphin's tail. Then you have ones that have a unicorn's horn, like me, and finally you have ones that have fins instead of front legs. We're amphibious. Land doesn't bother us that much; it barely even slows us down, though we prefer to be in the water. Just the freedom of movement under the waves, it's something you just can't find on land. I suppose a Pegasus might find the air to be the same, but I digress.

My particular tribe, The Reef Dwellers, is centered on a very small island with three buildings on it; The Dock-house, The Tower, and the Theater. From what we could find about the island, it was one of those hidden gem vacation spots that you'd only find 'off the beaten path'. We use The Dock-House as a clinic and for housing our land based cousins. The Tower is first and foremost a lookout tower. Then there's the workshop and armory at the base of the tower. Nothing military, just a collection spears, war clubs made from the coral, a few squirt guns, and a rifle we could never get working. Then we have our crown jewel (in my eyes at least), The Theater. Half stage, half silver screen. This is where we have important meetings, ceremonies, open mic night, and my personal favorite the nightly film showing.

The other tribes that I know of are the Bottom Feeders and the Spotted Sharks. We don't see them very often. Our little neck of the woods, I think that's the term, pretty out of the way for their hunting grounds. If we do meet them; they're mostly admissible. Some have even traded with us for medicine and a private showing. However they have been known to pick a fight with our four legged family members. Other than them, we don't get outsiders. In fact my parents were the last land ponies to end up here.

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