Chapter Eighteen

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I avoided everyone. Everything. I even skipped a day of training, telling Reaper I was sick and couldn't make it. It was odd for me. Totally out of character, but having everyone look at me like I was losing it was far worse than having to run a few extra laps or spend an extra hour in the gym later. I didn't even want to go the following day after skipping, but I had to. I couldn't miss two days. I kept my head down as I made my way out of the elevator and down the hall to the gym.

I was just shy of the gym when Mitchel stopped me.

"Wren," he called from behind.

I glanced back and sighed, but kept moving.

He jogged to catch up to me, wrapping a hand around my elbow. "Woah, let's talk."

"About what?" I asked.

"What happened the other day."

"Nothing happened." I said. "I imagined it." I went to walk away and he stopped me.

"Wren, stop trying to leave."

I stared at him.

"I believe you."

I didn't respond.

"I wanted you to know that."

"Okay." I said as I started for the gym again.

He reached out, grabbed my arm, and pulled me back for a third time.

I sighed and looked anywhere but at him.

"Please stop." He said.

"What is it you want me to do? Everyone thinks I'm crazy. I think I'm going crazy. You believe me, that's great. That helps. Thanks for believing me."

"You're not crazy. I just want to know what you heard."

"They're looking for the Nightlock." I shrugged.

"Did they have any idea who it was?"

"No. They're struggling to find it."

He nodded.

"You know who it is."

He didn't respond.

"You do know who it is."

"What else did they say?"

I stared at him for a moment or so longer. "They're searching records at school. Said that the attack was because the traitors were moving too slowly. They were getting restless." I paused for a minute. "Do you know who the traitors are?"

He nodded. "A couple. I don't know how deep it goes yet, but I know a couple of them."

"The guy in the stairwell was the ringleader for the traitors. He was doing all of the communicating."

"You didn't see him?"

I shook my head.

"Just be careful." He said. "I went back to my room and I thought about the whole thing. I don't want you to run into a situation like this again where you see something and people doubt you. Eventually, you just don't say anything, and bad things happen. I knew you wouldn't lie about it."

"But you didn't believe me at first."

"No, I said that the property was clear and so was the stairwell. I didn't deny that something may have been in the building. I just said at the time it was clear."

"Did you think maybe I was seeing things?"

He didn't respond.

"Like David did?"

The Blood of a NightlockWhere stories live. Discover now