The Discovery 2/2: Introductions (Albeit Incomplete)

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Neel's POV

*squeals in a frequency that attracts bats lol

Rakkhosh have a special feature that is probably the best kept secret in rakkhosh kind. When a rakkhosh, rakshas, or asur is nearby, another rakkhosh can track their location. In the Kingdoms Beyond, there are so many rakkhosh that I started to gradually learn to ignore the signs.

It's somewhat similar to having a tingle in the spine, but somehow (don't ask how) the different subtypes feel different. Young rakkhosh are taught early to distinguish these. If there aren't any davankind in the immediate diameter (the diameter of the sense increases with training, which is why mine is very small. bUt iT'S GrOWiNg FasT), the Feeling changes to detect traces of davankind. For example, rakshasas have a distinctly earthy, fire-like aroma, whereas asuras have an almost human scent, if it weren't for the slight tinge of rot that (other) rakkhosh are excellent and pinpointing. And so forth.

Something that I've noticed about Kiran's dimension is that there is almost no trace of rakkhosh, or any of the various subtypes of demonkind. Honestly, the continuous tingling in the Kingdoms Beyond is really distracting, and I didn't really realise how much of an effort it takes to quench the signs sufficiently to reduce irritation.

Which is why I was shocked when I suddenly felt the presence of an extremely powerful demon; of a subtype I have never encountered before.

Within 2 blocks of Zuzu's family pizzeria, and getting closer.

I looked straight up at the other rakkhosh on the table: Naya. She was both a fully fledged rakkhoshi and had much more experience than me, on the account of being raised a rakkhoshi. She looked back at me with a confused experience. She shrugged. Even Naya can't tell what kind of demon it was. I furrowed my brow in confusion. What is this thing? It moved even closer.

I stood up. "Guys. Something's coming. Fast."

We got out of there as fast as possible. "Where is it?" asked Kiran. "It's... um, I think it's in the woods."

"Ok," she turned to the others. " Stay a little behind us." Lal raised his hand, Mati raised an eyebrow, Naya laughed, Jovi rolled her eyes, and Zuzu facepalmed. "Here's the REAL plan, guys," said Mati, "Lal and Neel in the front; me, Jovi and Zuzu behind them, Kiran watching our back, and Naya-" "Eyes in the sky, got it" Naya launched straight off. "Ah, I love that girl." Mati smirked in Kiran's direction. Smirking back, Kiran moved to the side and dramatically courtesyed. "After you, madame." Mati breezed past with an equally dramatic toss of her ponytail. Then they both giggled.

"Ok that's enough, let's move."

"So, what is it?" Asked Zuzu.

"That's just it. We don't know, it's a scent I don't recognise."


We fell silent after that. Good. Hunting is much easier when quiet.


A war cry resounded through the woods. Sounds of running came closer. Naya quietly and swiftly landed in front of us. "It's nothing like anything I've ever seen or heard of before. I don't think we should risk trying to fight with weapons or fists."

"Alright, but we're staying for cover." Lal raised his sword and Kiran nodded.

I forged ahead. A clearing came into view. And I saw a monstrous being facing a girl.

"Kara Davan Mishrit... daauuugghhteerrrr offf daaarrrkknessssss..."

Wait. That girl... wasn't she in the pizzeria just now?

I took a deep breath and started chanting the magic words to gather my fire."Oily food, simmering jalebi," I wince; even thinking of over fried foods makes my gut burn. I coax the lava like sensation into more of a warm, jumping spark. Focusing inward, I willed it to spread in my body through my blood. I open my eyes to my body shimmering dangerously, the fire running through my veins in a blue glow. 

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