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"The Masood family, who have been leading the renowned political house of Kranti Mukhti Manch(The Revolutionary Liberation Forum) for generations, seemed to be trying to clinch victory in the Khiyamabad elections for the fourth consecutive time. While Kamran Masood, the current leader of the party, has been tirelessly conducting rallies, promoting, canvassing, and seeking public support, their rival political house, Yuva Shakti Sangathan (The Youth Power Organization), appears to be attempting to sway the crowd against them through persuasive tactics. The rivalry between KMM and YSS is at its peak, making it hard to pick a side."

The reporter was speaking into the mic on the TV with the humongous screen behind him displaying a picture of Kamran Masood on one side and Amir Qazi and his son, Hamzah on the other.

The display changed, and cartoon figures of the three appeared on the screen, each wearing boxing gloves. They were depicted facing each other in a boxing ring, with the title 'Showdown: KMM versus YSS'

"What are you doing up there on the TV?" She demanded, swirling her spoon in her coffee, her eyebrows arching questioningly at her boyfriend of eight months.

"Must be my father's doing," He sighed, pushing his empty cup of tea aside.

"I thought you didn't want any part in politics," she pointed out, narrowing her eyes.

"I don't."

"Pray tell me why your father is launching your face alongside his for the upcoming elections?"

"I told him not to."

"Ten points for trying," sarcasm laced her tone.

At a private café, seated at their regular table, with their usual drink of choice, Izzah Kamran Masood, the only daughter of Kamran Masood, covered from head to toe in black abayah and niqab was seated opposite to Hamzah Qazi, son of Amir Qazi.

Of all the times Izzah had defied her father, dating the son of his rival was the most rebellious act she had done up to date.

Hamzah and Izzah barely spoke during their university years until graduation. When Izzah received an award for topping her class, Hamzah congratulated her, and she responded with a simple 'thank you.' Their fathers' rivalry made them feel like enemies too. It felt like they were forbidden to interact, always on opposite sides.

Their paths might have never crossed again if not for the night Kamran Masood betrayed her trust by denying her the chance to study abroad. Fueled by anger and a thirst for revenge against her father, Izzah started something with Hamzah that she knew would lead to trouble. But Izzah had always been drawn to danger like a moth to a flame, unable to resist things that promised destruction.

"You know how overbearing our fathers can be," Hamzah reminded her. "You can't stop them once they have made up their minds about something."

"So you're a politician now?" she folded her hands.

He chuckled and leaned forward. "No, let him party all he wants, but once I go away to pursue my masters abroad, I'm not coming back. Then he won't have any choice but to drop me as a member."

"Masters abroad."

Izzah clenched her teeth and refrained from further argument.

Like her, Hamzah hated politics and his father. That was the sole reason they connected to each other the way they did. They understood each other, and they could relate to each other. They despised the same things and yearned for the same escape-to run far away from their fathers and the daily grind of politics.

Izzah wasn't certain if she loved Hamzah, but she needed him. She needed him to whisk her away wherever he was headed. He was her ticket out, her escape plan, her only hope for freedom.

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