4 + Forgive Your Enemies

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~~ i'll ruin you ~~

'Awww , shit! I got woodshop again?! I fucking hate that teacher.' Nash groaned nex to me looking at his scheduele. I thought my scheduele was disgusting but Nash wins the most horrible scheduele award this year.I mean he has to take Cooking Ec. as well just to make his credits higher meanwhile I can take German. Poor guy.

'Verdammt* , why can't I take German again this year?' Nash groaned next to his locker as I smiled , remembering tenth grade.

[a.n. ; Verdammt = Damnit in German]

'Because you failed German ninth and tenth grade?' I said as I saw a disgusted Jackie walking towards us.

  'Why on earth do I have woodshop?! I took it last year!' Jackie turned away from us , walking from administration , her ripped jeans fitting losely on her.

'Hey that's cool man , i got woodshop too!' Jack said to Nash , walking past us , doing a 180 , then walking away. He was like a freaking ballerina.

'Okay see you there Ibiza Jack!' Nash yelled at him while i looked at him with dead eyes. I couldn't believe that Nash was being friendly – Nash was only friendly when he wanted something. We became friends in the fifth grade because he wanted chocolate from me.

'What? He seems like a decent guy.' He said trying to act innocent , Jackie sneering behind me. I didn't know whether to be upset with Nash or not.

'He's my one night stand from Ibiza Nash , its breaking rules if you end up being friends with him. I'm now declaring that it would be breaking the guy code.' I pushed him playfully. I wanted to be friends with Jack too but it would be just too hard. I already see enough of the guy at home , no need to fuss with him at school.

'Look , Fiona. You guys had sex and that was it.No emotions involved right? Dont hate me if i DO become friends with him.' He shrugged , my mind swimming with questions. Did Nash just ruin my only theory?

'Okay... okay you're right. But it's so weird around the house. I mean i saw his.. you know.' I put a piece of hair behind my ear , the first peroid bell finally ringing.

He simply laughed as he dropped me off towards social activites which was the highlight to my Monday morning.

'Just say it! Pe-nis.' He spelled it out for me , getting weird looks from people on our ways.

'Stop it! His dad and my mum are married. It's really weird that i saw his pe-nis.' I said laughing as i entered the class and he walked towards woodshop , head hung low.

I looked around the classroom that didnt have much people in it. Social activites was more of a free period. People did whatever they liked to. Some were painting , some were studying , some were composing music , some were even designing websites.

I sat at an empty table and just took out my ipod. Yes , i still use an ipod , i dont care how old-school it is. I started listening to Belle and Sebastian's last released album.
I slowly started to daze out as i stared at the empty blackboard , music filling in my ears.

Jack didnt waste any time and lead me up and down on him quickly, keeping his hands sturdy on my hips.My hands layed on his chest, fingernails making crescent
shapes into his skin. He then slowly-

'HEY FIONA , THE BELL RANG.' Jackie's voice echoed in my ears , making me step out of my daydream about 'the night'. The bell was ringing and I had trouble believing that a whole 40 minutes had passed.

'God what were you thinking about , you were waaaay into it.' She said walking towards her locker as i gulped. I wasn't really ready to admit to anyone or myself what I was seeing.

'How was woodshop with Jack?' I changed the subject as Jackie cleared her throat and said : 'Don't you mean Ibiza Jack?' I had a feeling that nickname was going to stay for a while , not knowing if i was ready for that or not.

'He's really cool , finally a dude that isnt just interested into football but likes music and art and shit.' Nash pipped in chewing his lips. Ironically , Nash was the quaterback for the school's football team and had nothing to do with music and art. I just breathed deeply and furrowed my eyebrows.

'I... i dont know.. something happened to me during class.' I said quietly , Jackie and Nash turning their attention towards me.

'F-F-Forget about Ibiza. Just because you're under the same roof doesn't mean its gonna happen again.... Or does it?' Nash said making a funny face as Jack joined us , I hoped that he didn't hear any of that. I hated Nash for being such a smart guy.

'Hey guys um... I was thinking that we should hang out after school tomorrow or something.' He leaned on someone elses locker. He looked so cool but when he talked it just went all out of the window.

'Okay , that would be cool.' Nash said in a breath not even asking us , Jackie looking sideways at me.

'Okay then , see you later.' Jack smirked , walking away. His backpack was open and he was getting so many stares from girls it made envy him.

'Is he your man crush or what?!' Jackie said completely laughing , Nash's eyes going big.

'I dont want to hang out with him! Doesn't he have any friends or something?! I see him at home , i see him at school , i would like a few hours where i dont see him! Thanks for not asking you twat!' I exclaimed , hitting Nash on the head slightly.

'Bro , chill. If you would get to know him he is cool. Get over this image you have of him in your head , he's not your enemy.' Nash said chewing gum really loudly. I held his chin , signaling him to be more quiet. It was always like this. I would freak out , Nash would be annoyingly calm and Jackie would wonder off , not knowing what we were talking about.

'I do know him! And you've known him for only 40 minutes Nash!' I said , putting my hands on my hips. Jackie was already talking to some othere people and that just made even more angrier.

'No , No , No! You guys only had sex. You dont get to know a person through sex.' Nash said as the bell rang. Jackie was already gone and Nash left for Geometry, and i stood there Nash's words running through my head.


Nash is being quite the smartass ayeee

Ive been listening to The Strokes a lot atm , i love em.

-Sila 💜

Aquiver Ω J.GTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon