Aftermath of the party

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The next day, you walk down the halls of school, people whispering things, and you head to your locker. As you arrive at your locker, Tara comes barrelling towards you.

"Have you heard the rumours?" Tara asked.

"No, what rumours?" You asked, nervous.

"Rumours about you, some people are saying you hooked up with Zack and others Nate." Tara explained.

"Both of which are complete crap." You respond.

"I know, but maybe you should lay low for today." Tara smiled at you.

You nod, and you both begin to walk down the hallway, Nate, Zack, and Sam all come barrelling around the corner.

"I swear I never said anything!" Nate remarks, sadly.

"Someone did, and I'll find out who." You replied.

"You don't actually believe him, do you?" Sam asked, his tone filled with rage.

"I was seen with Zack and Nate. It could have been anyone, so until proven guilty, I'll believe him." You smiled.

"Fine." Sam replied huffily.

"I think I'm gonna skip lunch, though." You respond.

"You don't need to." Sam replied, shocked.

"Hmmm, can we please go? Everyone is staring at us." You asked quietly.

You head to gym class. everyone is staring at you.

"I'll be so happy when it's lunch." You mutter to yourself.

"Why do you have a lunch date with Zack or Nate?" Madison smirks.

"It's none of your business, but me and I have a lunch date." You smile, putting Madison in her place.

"What! but Zack is so hot. Can I go for him?" She looks at you shocked.

"Sure, whatever." You laughed.

Gym class is over you shower and head to Lunch, you walk into the cafeteria, you chose not to run from the rumours, Nate approaches you.

"I heard we have a lunch date." Nate chuckled.

"News travels fast." You look at Nate shocked.

"What do you mean?" Nate asked.

"I told Madison in gym class that we had a date because Madison was being her usual bitchy self. She's obviously text a bunch of people and told them." You explained.

"So you need a fake boyfriend?" Nate is almost thrilled to hear this.

"Sort of." You smiled.

"Who has a boyfriend?" Sam asked angrily as he joined you both.

"No one." You snapped quickly.

"Are you and Nate dating?" Sam asked. His voice almost demanded an answer.

"Yup." Nate remarked as though he was proud of the fact you two were fake dating.

"No way! Tara didn't tell me." Sam growled.

"Why would she?" You asked dumbfounded.

"Because I asked her to keep tabs on you." Sam replied quickly.

"You as my best friend to backstab me!" You're growing increasingly angry.

out of nowhere Tara appears.

"I didn't agree to it, obviously." She smiled.

"How long have you been standing there?" You asked, a little taken aback by your best friends random appearance.

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