I love you too. (Cas)

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-Grab the tissues yall.-

Cas, the boys and I went hunting for what we thought was a demon a few days ago.
Ever since Metatron casted all of the angels out of Heaven, Cas hasn't been able to use his mojo anymore.
He's human now.

We're in the motel room right now trying to figure out where the demon might hit next, when Sam barges into the door, making us all jump.
" It's in the abandoned factory across the block." He states urgently, staying in the doorframe.
" The demon?" Cas asks Sam as he sets his coffee down and stands up.
" It's not a demon." Sam struggles to continue his sentence as he tries to catch his breath, "It's Bartholomew."
Cas' eyes grew wide.
" Who's Bartholomew?" I burrow my brows and look around the room for an answer.
" Isn't that an archangel?" Dean looks at Cas,
" Yes." Cas says in shaken tone as he speed walks out the door.
" We need to go...now." Sam points put the door as Dean gets his jacket on.
" Yea, no shit, Sherlock." I grumble under my breath as I walk past Sam, and he shuts the door behind Dean.

Dean starts the car and drives off. I look over to Cas, his face plastered with fear and terror, staring to the floor. I set my hand on his in his lap, and he looks up to me with his bright blue eyes.
" We're gonna be okay." I give him a reassuring smile,
" I could barely escape him when I had my grace. He's gonna..." Cas hesitated as his voice got shakier and tears began to grow in his eyes.
" He's gonna kill me." He sniffles.
I turn to face his direction, " Cas, you'll be okay, you have all three of us to protect you."
"He's gonna slaughter us all."
"No one's gonna die, Cas." Dean said, his eyes still focused on the road.
"Not today, at least." Sam turns around to face Cas finishes Dean's sentence.

Cas sniffles and wiped his tears away as we got to our location.
We all got out of the car, and grabbed our weapons, each of us having an angel knife.
We reach the door, and Cas takes a deep breath before Sam kicks down the door.

We all look around the dark factory with our flashlights, the floor covered in dirt and blood.

"God, it smells like shit in here." Dean brings his shirt to cover his nose, and the three of us chuckle.
I notice how Cas is calming down, feeling a little bit better.
We look at each other and smile.
Cas glances to the dark shadows behind me and his smile quickly fades.
I become confused, but before I can turn around, Cas shoves me behind him, forcing us to switch places.
"(Y/n)!" He shouts while switching places with me, before Bartholomew came from within the shadows and plunges a knife into his chest.
Cas falls to the ground, clutching his wound.
"No!" I scream at the top of my lungs as Bart runs back into the shadows.
"Cas!" Dean yells.
" We got Bartholomew, help Cas!" Sam orders me and I run to his side, dropping to my knees and ignoring the pain.
Tears quickly build up in my eyes, and a lump forms in my throat.
" Cas?" I shake him as blood pools out of his mouth and onto the floor.
He slowly opens his eyes, but they're not blue anymore, they're slowly fading and changing to grey.
"(Y/n)?" He sloppily picks his head up, and I sit criss-cross to set his head in my lap.
" Shh. Relax, you'll be okay." I try my best to keep smiling for him, but fail utterly, breaking down as tears fall onto his face and I wipe them away.
" I never got to tell you-" he gets interrupted my his own coughs, slowly drowning in his own blood, " I've loved you for a- a little while now." I squeeze my eyes shut, knowing that I've loved him too.
He continues to cough, blood coming out, and his skin is becoming more and more pale.
" Someone help!" I look up from Cas and scream at the top of my lungs once more.
"Ever since I met you all those y-years ago, I've fallen in love with you." A tear drips from his eye, and I scream out for help again.
He smiles weakly, "It's not gonna help." He coughs as he tries to laugh,
"Just tell me that you love-...that you love me back."
" I will when you're healed." I sob in denial.
I look around to see if I can find anything to help him.
" (y/n)?" He slowly grips my arm harshly.
" I'm right here, stay with me, Cas, please!" I beg him, but his eyes are completely grey now.
" I love you." He whispers weakly, and his hand drops from my arm while one last breath leaves his lips.
I just watched the life leave his eyes.
A hear Bartholomew scream in agony from afar.
Bartholomew is dead now, but I don't care.
Castiel is gone.
He's dead.
I continue to stare into his lifeless eyes until my tears make me blind.
I feel myself go numb. I can't cry out , I can't yell or talk or move, I can just sit here while tears flow down my cheeks more than they ever had.
I never got to say I love you back.
I can see his hair change from black to grey slowly. It wasn't a big difference, but I could tell.
This is all my fault.

I hear Sam and Dean run back to me, and I look up to see the hope on their faces quickly fade away.
I finally drop my head down and sob uncontrollably.

Dean rushes next to me as Sam crouches to the other side of me.
We all look at Castiel, examining his features for the last time.
Sam brings his hand to Castiel's face, and closes his eyes.
For some reason it made me cry even harder, if that was even possible.
My heart hurts...so badly.

" It hurts." I cry out and fall into Dean's arms.
" I know, (y/n)." He sets a hand on my head while he wraps his other arm around me.

I wait in the car while the boys wrap Castiel's body in a blanket and put him in the trunk.

The whole ride home, I stare at the seat Castiel should be sitting in right now, smiling and laughing and Dean's corny jokes.

But he's in the trunk. Dead.

I spend the rest of the night staring at his body in flames with Sam and Dean, thinking about how in hell can I live the rest of my life without him.

He was the reason I was excited to get up every morning. His smile always lit up my day, and his cluelessness always made me laugh. He loved it when I made him tea, but he would only drink it if there was honey in it.
I loved every single quirk and flaw about him, it's so hard to believe that within minutes, he's gone.

I won't ever see him again.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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