Who Did This To You

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Sorry for the late post but! I'm posting double today 💜

love ya enjoy!

"Joe quit acting like this" I pushed past him and went upstairs to Theo's room. Joe and I have been together for 5 years. I got pregnant by accident a year into meeting each other. I loved Joe. 

I truly did but as soon as Theo was born it all went downhill. When we fought he started raising his voice slightly louder than he usually did then it went so far to him punching the shit out of me. Whenever he gets like this I just tend to let him cool off but it doesn't always happen. "Taylor who the fuck is Travis!" 

He follows me to the room and continues arguing. "He is just friend. Now fuck of" I push him of me as his hands grab my shoulders and grab a screaming Theo. "Put him down" he screamed at me. "Mummy..." Theo screams when I put him down. 

"Taylor you better tell me who the fuck he is right now or". Before I could cut him off he shoves me into a wall and smacks my face. He lifts me up and punches my nose. "Now if you ever fucking think about leaving this house again.....I will make sure Theo never sees you again ok?" He yells. "Ok Joe I'm sorry" he walks out and I start sobbing.

 "Mama " Theo cried in his cot after witnessing what had happened. "Hey baby, are you ok?" I rub his stomach while he continues crying. "Why did dada hurt you?" It breaks my heart to hear those words coming out of a child's mouth, especially a 4 year olds. "Daddy isn't being very nice to mama huh baby" 

I asked him, sitting him in my lap and rocking him side to side. I need to get out. "hey baby, why don't you get some sleep ok?" I layed Theo down and pulled out my phone. I call Travis. "Hey tay, what's up"? He asks. 

"Travis can you um come and get me and Theo?" I ask him barely over a whisper. "Why? Are you ok? I'm coming over now. Stay on the phone with me." I hear him putting on a sweatshirt and walking out the door while I explain to him

 "Joe went crazy and....." I tried not to get into detail about it over the phone. "Ok well tell me later. I want you to get Theo, get some of his things, wipe your phone and meet me in the front yard. Ok?" "Ok" I started to cry and he heard

 "hey it's going to be ok alright. I'm coming over now" I grab a bag and start stuffing his clothes inside. I can always buy him new stuff but going out with paparazzi around might not be so good with my black eye and stuff. Travis pulls up and I open the door. Theo is asleep in my chest and I have a duffle bag with stuff in it.

 "Taylor ...what is on your face?" he asks me worryingly. "Um nothing I jus-" he cuts me of "Taylor was that joe?" He asks demanding "yea" I say lowering my head. "That fucking son of bitch". He close this door and runs to the front porch "give me a minutes tay"

Travis's POV:

I walk up to her houses front door and I swing it open. I don't care who heard at this point I can't stand the thought of anyone hurting Taylor or Theo. I love them both so much and they don't deserve it. 

I walk up to the bar in the second floor and swing it open. I see Joe passed out drunk on the floor and I make my way over to him. I tower over him and punched the mother fucker.

 He wakes up instantly. "What the fuck! Who are you" he yells at me. "I'm Travis and I wanna make 1 thing clear ... .don't you dare hurt Taylor again" I give him a push and walk downstairs. I see Taylor talking to Theo probably about where they 're going and I get inside the car. "Everything ok?" She asks me. 

"Yep just sorted it out" I reassure her. "Ok" we drove in a comfortable silence and when we arrived Taylor opened the door and walked inside with theo inside. "Hey come here" i said to her after i hung my coat on the rack. 

"I'm sorry Tay, you both don't deserve this ok?" she nodded and tucked her head into my neck. Then she broke down. "I'm sorry Trav i-i just got so scared and" she mumbled quietly and continued crying. "Hey how about i put Theo in bed, make you some food and you can take a shower." she nodded and gave me a kiss on the cheek. 

"Ok thanks Trav '' I knew she was tired and drained from both tonight and from life recently so I tried to lift as much weight as I could off her shoulders.

 Once she left to go upstairs to shower I took Theo in my arms and cradled him upstairs but he woke up. "Hey Theo" I've met Theo multiple times at parties and times I've been over at the house and we have a small connection, it's nothing much but I'll take it. "Hi Twavis" 'how are you buddy?"

 I asked him sitting down on the chair in my room. "I'm scared but ok, where is my mummy?" he jolts up from my lap. "It's ok buddy, mummies just gone to have a shower, you're ok though. I won't let nobody hurt you.

 I won't let anyone make you cry. Ok?" "ok I'm tired" he yawns and lays his head on my neck. "Ok buddy let's get ready for bed" he's already in his Pjs so i just pull the covers on him and sneak in next to him. "Do you want me to pat your back theo?"

 he nodded and turned around. I pat his back for the next 5 minutes until he is asleep and taylor walks in the room. She is wearing one of my shirts and her hair is wet but brushed. "Hey" she whispers. "Hey Tay, how are you honey" she scruggs and makes her way into my arms. I cradle her and hug her tight. "I'm hungry," she says. 

"Ok well let's make some food" I held her hand downstairs and she made her way to the couch. "What do you feel like honey?" I asked her while walking to the kitchen. "umm... anything really"

 i could tell she was not in the mood to talk so i just ordered chick-fil-a chicken tenders and chips. "Aww thanks trav"

 I gave her a kiss and sat next to her on the couch. Taylor fell asleep halfway through the movie we were watching so I cleaned up and picked her up to take her upstairs.

 I tucked us both in and fell asleep ready for the busy day tomorrow.

Let me know if you guys want a part 2!! :)

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