chapter 16

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you and natsu decided to catch lunch together the next morning. as you enjoy your food, natsu brings up a conversation he had with Lucy.

"lucy was asking me about my feelings for you," he says casually.

you arch an eyebrow, a teasing grin forming on your lips. "oh, really? lucy playing matchmaker, huh?"

natsu shrugs, oblivious to any hidden motives. "yeah, she was just curious. mentioned something about me spending a lot of time with you lately."

you giggle, dismissing the notion. "well, we are a team, natsu. i mean we're best friends. it's only natural."

natsu leans in, his eyes narrowing playfully. "but then she said something like, 'if things don't work out with y/n, you can always find me.'"

your playful expression falters as you process lucy's words. "wait, what? she said that?"

"yeah, but I didn't think much of it," natsu continues, slurping his noodles. "lucy's always saying weird stuff. probably just teasing."

your suspicions grow, and you press on. "did she seem serious, though?"

natsu shrugs again, a carefree smile on his face. "nah, not really. just lucy being lucy."

despite his reassurances, a seed of doubt lingers in your mind. The lunch continues, but your thoughts are now preoccupied with questions about lucy's intentions.

you pause mid-bite, studying natsu with a quizzical expression. "hey, natsu, do you... like lucy?"

he looks at you, surprised by the sudden question. "like, as a friend?"

"no, like... like like," you clarify, a mischievous glint in your eye.

natsu chokes on his noodles, coughing before managing to respond. "what? no way! lucy's a great friend, but it's not like that."

you raise an eyebrow, playfully skeptical. "are you sure? because if she's making moves, I don't want to be in the way."

natsu laughs, waving off the notion. "nah, you're the one I hang out with the most. lucy's just messing around."

you chuckle, relieved by his response. "good to know. wouldn't want any love triangle drama in our team, right?"

"definitely not," natsu agrees, grinning. "our team's all about kicking butt and having a good time."

the lunch resumes.

you sit in your room, heart slightly unsettled, sharing the day's events with peach.

"peach, you won't believe what lucy said to natsu the other night," you start, a hint of worry in your voice.

peach, adopting a more serious demeanor, looks at you with concern. "lay it on me. what happened?"

you recount the conversation with natsu, emphasizing lucy's flirtatious comment. "she made this sly remark about finding her if things don't work out with me. it felt... strange."

peach furrows her brows, her gaze focused. "that does sound odd. you sure it was just a joke?"

"I don't know," you admit, a frown creasing your forehead. "but it's been bothering me. what if there's something more between natsu and lucy? what if I'm just in the way?"

peach offers a compassionate response. "it's okay to feel uncertain, y/n. but instead of dwelling on it, why not talk to natsu? clear communication might bring some clarity to the situation."

you nod, appreciating peach's wisdom. "you're right. I should talk to him. I just hope it's nothing serious."

peach reassures you, "whatever happens, you're strong enough to face it. And, we still have our job in Crystal Glade to look forward to - a distraction and a chance for some much-needed adventure."

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