Episode 2, C.E.O.

704 23 11

???: My name is Bryce Tankthrust.

Bryce: I didn't become the head of the company by being a good person

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Bryce: I didn't become the head of the company by being a good person. *grabs her phone* You can tell your childrens they won't be having a christmas this year.

Bryce: I had my heart surgically removed with my ovaries last july. *cracks neck*

She was seeing walking through her office hall.

Bryce: Correlate our projection values and fiscalate our value correpondence! If they say why then hire them, then fire then, then hire them, then fire then again! Then repeat the whole thing backwords to mind fuck them!

She sits on her desk.

Bryce: Donovan it's time for my 12 o'clock servicing. *hours of unamusing sex later* Wow! I haven't come that hard since I gave birth!

Next she was in her personal limo

Bryce: Marshall why do you always send me with the chinese uber driver? *looks at the user driver* eavesdrop much lucky strike. *goes back to her phone* My vergin lesbian vegan son is in town. Schedule a hug for three o'clock and move my three o'clock to four and my four o'clock to the break room. If Dona is still there having lunch fire her. She has a husband.

Bryce: Most of our employees don't actually work here. We just let them think they do. They usyally quit a month into the job when they realize thier fucked. Or they'll quit after they meet me and tell them to do my morning servicing.

Bryce: *grabs an employee head* Is that gum in your mouth? Spit it out. *the employee spits the gum in her mouth* Now clean up your desk. *looks around the other employees* Apparently I hire nothing but assholes. *someone kid steals her phone* Fuck me! Donaven some asshole toddle took my celular!

Back in the Limo with the chinese uber.

Bryce: Were three minutes behind schedule. That means your gonna have to service me. *ten minutes of failure sex later* Bingo! I haven't clímax that hard since I was six! Did grandpa had a big co-

Bryce: Working out is a bad choice.

Back to her office.

Bryce: Hi Janet how are you doing today? Uh huh. You want Maternity leave. Oh but Janet I have been in Chicago meningitis and I still came in to not do my job and for a pregnant woman you still sound like you still get your period. *opens the window* Hold on I see a gay lesbian. IT DOESN'T GET BETTER!!! I SEE A SQUIRREL!!! And also the only fucks I give will come out of your paycheck. *She sits down and call someone else* The projected trajectory- *drops phone in a class of water* Donovan do I sound like a mermaid? *gets up* I'm surrounded by more dicks than a curious teenager.

Back to her Limo.

Bryce: Pull over here there's a poor person I want to throw my latte at. *opens limo window* 1% represent! *throws her latte* Drive lucky strike!

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