Zero Visibility: the Sharingan Shatters

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"If I can, I don't want to kill you guys... And I don't want to get killed by you guys... But if you guys are going to come at me... I'll kill my feelings with a sword and completely become a Shinobi. I want to protect the person dear to me... I work for the sake of that person, I fight for that person, and I want to make that person's dream a reality... That's what I want. And for the sake of that person, I will completely become a Shinobi... and kill you guys!" You sighed. "I see. So there's no point in trying to get you to stop fighting, huh?" "That's right. Please don't hold it against me."

'If I go over there Tazuna will be in danger. Even if I try the Shadow Clones. He'll come to stop me with his Water Clones. I'll just be wasting Chakra. Then...' Kakashi grabbed his forehead protector. "I'm sorry, but... I'm going to have to finish this in an instant." Zabuza chuckled. "The Sharingan again? Such an unimaginative guy!" The two stood there not moving for a couple of seconds before l Zabuza suddenly ran at him pulling out a Kuni, aiming for his eye. Kakashi blocked it with his other hand, the Kuni digging into his palm making it bleed. "You might call me "an unimaginative guy", but you are afraid of the Sharingan, after all... Zabuza!" He chuckled again. "The secret technique of a Shinobi... isn't something that you should show your opponent so many times."

"Be appreciative. You're the only one who had the chance to see it twice. And there will be no third time. Even if you are able to defeat me, you can't defeat Haku... Since he was a kid, so have been painstakingly teaching him the battle techniques of the Ninja! All of my techniques. On top of that... he has been polishing up on his own skills as well! As a result... He has... no matter how unbelievably difficult his predicament, been extremely successful. He has no "heart" and has abandoned the notion of "life." He is the fighting machine known as a Shinobi. Not only that, his Jutsu surpasses mine! The terrifying ability of the Kekkei Genkai. In other words, I have acquired a sophisticated tool. Unlike the scrap you're carrying around." Zabuza pulled the Kuni out of Kakashi's hand.

You and Haku were still fighting. You had managed to push him away from your teammates who were still recovering.

"Ow! Be more gentle!" Sasuke yelled as Naruto pulled the bandage too tight. "Shut up!" Naruto snapped back.

You panted heavily as you blocked another Senbon Haku threw at you. "The people here are dying. If you kill Tazuna Geto will just continue to hurt the people who live here." "..." "They're starving-" "So was I." Haku cut you off. "I was starving too, but no one helped me. Then Zabuza took me in. He trained me and treated me well. Why should I help the very people who hurt me?" His voice was empty. It seems he was being truthful when he said he would cast aside his emotions. "You asked me to not hold this against you. So why would you hold that against them?" "As I told you before. I want to protect the person dear to me and if that means letting those people die then so be it." He continued to attack and hit a Chakra point in your right arm making it go limp. You hissed in pain, gripping the Kuni in your other hand tighter.

"Please, Haku... don't do this..." Your voice was pleading. "I'm sorry." Haku rushed you aiming for your throat. It was as if time had slowed down. You felt Chakra rush to your feet as you moved to dodge. You felt the Senbon puncture your skin. You felt your skin rip as you moved right. You felt pain as you rolled to a stop on the ground clutching your neck. Your ears were ringing and your breathing increased. You faintly heard screams. You felt a hand wrap around your own. You could hear someone screaming but couldn't quit make out what they were saying. It sounded muffled like the person was underwater. You felt tired and eventually your vision went black.


Sasuke watched in horror as Haku cut his teammates throat. He got up, pushing through the pain he felt, and ran to Sakura's still body. As he cradled her body his breath got caught in his throat at what he was seeing. Pink hair and green eyes turned black and instead of Sakura it was his mother's body he was holding. A look of horror mixed with pain on her face. He didn't realize that he was screaming. He didn't realize his eyes had turned red.

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