Chapter 1 failed

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Luz sat there begging Philip. Meanwhile, he just stood there.
Luz, I'm helping you by saving you from this relam. Philip said 'Anyways what do you want your last words to be?'
'Tell everyone I will miss them.'Luz told Philip as her last breath was taken. Luz looked around, knowing that was the last time she would see anything. Slowly, her vision went black.

Philip slowly walked up to the door, waiting for the hexsqaud to show up. Even though he just killed a child, he wanted to see their reaction and to say her last words.

Eventually, they arrived, and they heard belos say,'Hello, you guys may have not realised that luz is dead now.' Everyone looked at him with horror, but the collector didn't know what death was. Belos continued. 'she wanted me to tell you that she will miss you.' Belos pointed at luz. Everyone looked like they were going to murder belos, but he was gone. King and Amity walked up to luz, both with tears in their eyes. King hugged luz, Amity wishing that they had come earlier.

'Collecter, is there any way to bring her back?' Hunter asked. 'Yes, yes there is, but it is very dangerous, and I won't tell you until you guys play with me.'collector replied.

A few hours later.
They made a deal with the collector that they would play with him after the Isles were ok.
Gus was trying to comfort King , Willow was trying to get Amity to calm down. Hunter stared at the petrified human, the one that helped him change, the one that helped him, the one that treated him fairly and the one he could call sister.
The hexsqaud came out of the titan's skull, Willow was carrying luz, King held onto Amity's leg , Hunter had his arm on Gus's shoulder,the collector walked behind them.

Amity, Willow, King, and Hunter went to the owl house to wait for Eda to tell her what had happened. Meanwhile, Gus and Collecter went to find her. After a few minutes, Hunter asked,'How are we going to tell Eda Luz is dead,''I-I actually don't know,' King told Hunter. 'Eda treated her like her own daughter, so if she finds out she might become emo 😔 'Hunter stated. 'What in the titan do you mean by emo?' Amity asked, confused. 'It means depressed ' Hunter told her. King and Willow just stared at each other exchanging the look of what the fuck is happening.

Meanwhile, Gus and Collecter were looking for Eda. Gus knew that Eda would be in rage to find out Luz is dead, and the others told him not to tell Eda until they got to the owl house. Gus's mind started to think about how much Luz helped him and to understand human stuff and the fact she was him other true friend with Willow. 'Hey, Gus, is that Eda?' Collecter asked. 'Yeah, but don't tell her about Luz yet. Ok?' Gus told him. The Collecter just nodded. Gus smiled painfully at Collecter. Gus shouted, 'Eda.' Eda looked at them and asked 'Hey, Goops, where are the other? Are they ok?' Gus half lied 'They are at the owl house, and we are mostly ok.' 'Well, let's get going then.' Eda told Gus. He just nodded, knowing how angry Eda will be when she finds out.

Back at the owl house, Amity and Hunter talked about how a piece of their life is gone now. Willow put Luz inside her room, King was inside with her as comfort. 'Luz, I wish you were here alive to hug me back, I miss you.' He whispered. Willow just sat there, Luz helped her change track and got Bitch I mean Boscha to stop bullying her and now Luz is gone.

'I forgot what the human realm looks like.' Philip thought. After walking around, he walked on the road, and a car hit him, and he died. (Deserved) He became a green goop and got drove over a few times.

Back at the owl house, King said, "Bye,' to his petrified sister and left the room hugging her before he left. Hunter sat holding Willow's hand. King hugged Amity. After a while, hooty asked,'So when is Eda going to be here?' 'We don't know hooty.' Willow told hooty.

Lilith, Eda, Gus, and Collecter walked to the owl house. Collecter just held onto Gus's hand. Gus knew that belos would become bel-gone when Eda finds him. (He already is). 'Hey Gus, can you give me a nickname.' Collecter asked. 'Collecter, I can give you one when we get back to the owl house because Luz has a book full of nicknames for people.'Gus said. 'Ok.' Collecter replied. After 10 minutes, they were in front of the owl house. Eda opened the door.

The 4 inside knew that it wasn't possible going to end well.'Well, hello, Eda.'Hunter said. 'Where is Luz?' Eda asked. Everyone went silent. Willow spoke up 'Well about that...
The hexsqaud was trying to stay calm.
Well shit Amity thought. Oh fuck Hunter thought. I hope nothing bad will happen Gus and King thought.

No one knew that someone was listening to their conversation.

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