Legacy Day {2/3}

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With a box of shoes in hand, body outside of the store. You blink in confusion. 

Right.. Ash went all.. "Nuts" when you asked for a recommendation...

"Let me know if you want to return them, okay?" Ash says kindly as he hands you a bag to put the box in. "But, after trying all of those pairs, I think those suited you the best!" Ash replied happily, giggling as he claps his hand. 

"I'll see you later, (Y/N). I hope you get your outfit ready before tonight." Ash pats your shoulder, before giving once last glance and heading inside the shoe store.

"I didn't wanna tell him.. But my legs feel like jelly-!"

You mumble, groaning as you waddle in your normal shoes. Walking away as you recall him handing you dozens of boxes as he watched you strut as if on a cat-walk.

Walking stiffly, you felt like a tiny crab on a slippery sand pit! Glancing at the other buildings, you pass by people who gaze at you strangely. Yet you only smile in return, because you were on a mission!

The mission to get your things because your mom told you too!

First off-!

"Um.. Excuse me?" A soft voice spoke behind you, causing you too turn around quickly. "E-Eeep!"

The young male cowerd slightly at your attention, before quickly gesturing downwards.

Following his actions, you look down and see a sheep nibbling on the end of your top.



You blink as your lips slowly turn upwards in joy.

"Ya'know, I'd do the same thing."

You state calmly, before unlatching your shirt from the animal. Leaning down to the animals height.

"O-oh Grim! I'm so terribly sorry- ah?!"

You shoved your face into the animals fluff as it "baws" uncaringly. 

"U-uhm.. Are you-?"

Muffled screams emerged from inside the fluffy cotton. The male sweats nervously at the sound as he tries to remove his sheep away from you. Yet you hold out your hand, as if sensing his attempts.

Your screams go on for a few minutes before you emerged from the fluff-balls belly side.

"... That was the best yell I've ever had. Thank you sheep. I will pay you, in head-pats." You state seriously, happily petting the animal, before gazing up at the blue and pink haired male in admiration.

"This sheep should become a therapist!" You beam confidently as the sheep "baws" once more.

The young man's brown eyes widen, cautiously using his crook to poke you away from his sheep. You took notice, taking a step back as the male nodded to you.

"I-I'm very sorry for my sheep.."

"Don't be! I should apologize for not asking permission to touch them." You wave it off, shrugging.

"But, to be honest. They would make an amazing service animal! They're cute, calm and just. Super.. uhm.. Spell..Tastic?" You mumble unsure about the phrase.

"Oh.. Thank you!" He smiled timidly at your praise, olive skin flushing at your attention. "I-I.. They're my flock.. Of course I do adore them.." He frowns as he let out a small sigh.

"B-But often enough.. They tend to wander off.." 

"Oh... Adventurous sheep-ies..! Must be tuff." You said, glancing at the animal, who gave you a lazy look. 

"Ack-! I forgot! I still need to find the rest-!" He wailed in concern. "This always happens, this is such a fairy-fail.!" 

Your expression shifted as you make-up your mind.

"Okay.. I've decided. I'm gonna help you!" 


"Yes me!" 

"Why..?" He questioned softly, sniffling as his lone sheep nuzzles into his leg.

"Because! I'm used to putting off things until last minute!'' You state triumphantly, raising a fist to the sky.

The young man and sheep eye you weirdly, "o-oh.. Alright then.."

"I-I'm.. Lambert Bo Peep.. Um.."

"(Y/N), nice' to meet you, Lambert!"

Cue searching montage!


Wandering into a dress shop, your eyes widen at the pretty cloths and fabric. Yet you ignore it, going to the cashier in hopes they had seen a sheep anywhere.

Yet they shake they're head, before scowling at you. Pointing to your companions, as Lambert tries to move his sheep away as the animal snacks on the different fabrics.

You smile awkwardly as the cashier scoffs and ask for payment of the cloths. 


Stumbling head first into store, this one being a jewelry shop. You let your friend do the asking as your drawn to the charms on the display case. Finding them beautiful and familiar in a sense.

Though a a weird shaped moving cloud catches your attention from outside the window.

Calling out to Lambert immediately, the two of you scurry outside chasing after and search for the remaining missing sheep!


"One.. Two.. And three. Oh thank Grim.." Lambert smiles, kneeling down and hugging his sheep as they happily huddle around him. Cooing in joy at the attention.

"This would've taken much longer without help.." The sheep herder stated, thankful for your aid. You gave a peace sign in return, as he gave a small simper at the bizarre hand gesture.

Before you could respond, your stomach growled. The sheep freak out at the small noise as they hide behind Bo.

You touch your tummy, grinning. "Guess that made me a bit.. Sheepish." You snort at the lame joke as Lambert shook his head, sighing once again.

"Well... I-I'm a bit famished too..'' He said thoughtfully. "We have been running around almost all afternoon.."


The sheeps "baw!" In agreement.

"I-I.. Think I know a place?" Lambert offers, standing beside you. "W-would you like to come?" 

You get close, grinning like a fool. 

"YES. I'm so hungry I could eat-..." You glance at the sheeps, blinking before turning your attention on Bo. 

"Uh.. Yes." You laugh, trailing beside Lambert as the sheep follow close behind.


[Yay! A new chapter!? And NEW character!? What? To be honest, I wasn't gonna include him in cast. But I had a change of heart, I hope you all enjoy! I know it seems like a bit of filler. But I promise there's a pay off, also. Let me know your thoughts, comments are needed for this story!]

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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