Vending Machine Mayhem

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"I have been taking care of mortal's souls FOR THOUSANDS of years," she retorts "Of course I know about parenting!"
"And I've been taking care of little Lenore for over 400 years! You don't know what she needs! She is perfectly fine and happy. She is much happier than she would ever be with you! I've been doing a GREAT job at parenting Lenore, thank you very much. I know what is good for her, better than you do."

And for a moment, there was silence. They only looked eachother in the eyes without saying a word. ((They were probably too angry at each other to the point where they ran out of mean things to say))

"...Whatever I...." Ophelia lets out a small annoyed sigh "I'll be in the kitchen making dinner." she says as she quickly walks down the stairs and heads to the kitchen. She starts rummaging throughout the fridge and then the cupboards only to find spider webs in them..

Ophelia stares in disbelief.

Ragamuffin is now pissed off for another reason. It follows her down the stairs and glares at her as she reopens the fridge ."What are you doing?"

"Well I was supposed to-" she pauses for split second correcting herself "... I believed making dinner for young Lenore would be a good start, but there's not even food here!" she slightly yelled, obviously grossed out and annoyed,but she tried to be as calm as possible.

The doll's features continue to narrow as it watches the woman reopening the fridge and cupboards,leaving them wide open. Ophelia angrily mutters something among the lines of"you don't believe me?, I'll show you!"

After a second or two she angrily turns back to look at Ragamuffin, her hands on her hips. All cupboards and drawers, along with the fridge was left wide open,appearing empty once again.

Its red eyes are glowing brightly with rage and its teeth are still bared and clenched tightly. It growls loudly:"Fine, I got your point,you didn't had to do all that!..And there is plenty of food! Go ask me if you want to find any, I know exactly where it is."

Ophelia pauses for a split second. "... Wh... What do you mean, you... You don't go to the market to buy food?" she replied confusedly as she looks at Ragamuffin who's standing at the doorway. The doll looks back at the woman, seeming very angry at her cluelessness. It scowls and rolls its eyes, getting very annoyed at her.

"Do you seriously think that mortals buy food from stores everyday to eat? That would put them in a massive amount of debt. No, we buy food once every month or so, and we don't buy much. We make sure to stock up on what we need. Do you seriously think that I buy groceries everyday?"

she scoffs, smiling in anger "WHAT KIND OF FATHER ARE YOU, NOT BUYING FOOD FOR YOUR CHILD?!" she snapped, she looks at Ragamuffin for a moment then looks away. "BUT OF COURSE, WHAT SHOULD POOR ME EXPECT!?NO WONDER WHY LENORE IS SO SKINNY AND PALE!!.." Ophelia turns her back on Ragamuffin's and starts putting all the the kitchen stuff back to the cupboards so that she didn't have to look at the doll thing anymore.

Lenore could hear the yelling from upstairs and she was very sad because of it...

The doll's eyes narrow with a mixture of rage and sadness. It doesn't like people pointing out little Lenore's paleness or skinny figure. The doll stares at her with anger boiling in its eyes as he walks closer to Ophelia "She is NOT starving! She IS perfectly fine! Do you not see her smile? She smiles and laughs every day, and she likes her figure to be in such good condition. Maybe you should learn a thing or two about what good parenting is like instead of complaining all the time!"

"Oh, I'M complaining!" she turned around to look at him again "I'm only doing what any right guardian should,CARING for the child.And her figure is obviously not good, along with the fact that the poor girl had never had a good life, and her now afterlife isn't any good either. She exists upon in an environment which is bad for her mental health. And she's smiling because she's obviously not well in health, due to all the trauma she had experienced in the past, yet this is the only thing she's ever known so she's TRYING to be happy when she's DEPRESSED. And her only parental figure is a vampire doll thing, how is THAT supposed to help?!"

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