Chapter 25

26 1 0

Hey yall on the other chapter that picture was of JACOB

Donte pov

I pulled up at the house with Major sitting in the front seat with his ice cream

"Aye young man"old man conner yelled out of his front window

"Wussup"i said getting Major out the car and putting him on the ground

He was in his garden which looked like shit by the way.I coulda sworn it was fine when i left the house earlier

"These bad ass kids ran through my yard and went strait into yo house and cut all the lights off"he said

I looked at Naomi house and the lights was off when i left the living room and the kitchen light on

"Ok thanks"i said

"I hope ou beat they ass"he said hen walked up his porch steps and slammed his front door shut although you could still here him yelling about his garden

I walked up to the door and pressed my ear to it

"You know i got a 2 year old son that would like to meet you" a boys voice said and some body laughed

Who the fuck in my house

I went back to my car and grabbed my pistol out from under the back seat and ranned back to the front although this time i didnt stop at the door i busted in there with my gun pointed

"What the fuck"

I had told major to sit on the porch steps and eat his ice cream but if he heard gun shots to run and call his daddy

I was finna put my gun down i heard something from up stairs

I walked up the stairs and into me and Naomi room

I walked into the bathroom.nobody was in there

I went to the closet and i heard something

Im finna shoot somebody frfr

I pulled it open and pulled the trigger at the same damn time .but guess who was in there

Damn i fucked up

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