the plan

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( a/n: hi loves, sorry for not updating. My life has been very hectic with looking at collages and balancing school work ) 

As Willy and the group walked together, now free humans and not events to the srubbit, I felt a new calm. Abucse was telling us about records we could use against the chocolate cartel. Willie and I looked at each other and nodded. We were in sync with our thinking. 

Once it was eight am, I got abused mints while everyone else had gone to the zoo. I asked the priest if he would spare a chocolate, but I put the mints in his pocket when he said no. I left the church after and waited for Willie and the group away from the phone booth. 

 After they finished, I walked to the truck and sat next to Wille on the way to fetch Abaigale and expose the galley gourmet. Once we got to the cathedral, Wilie and I went to the secret room, and everyone else got Abaigale. Wille gave the guard the same thing we gave the zoo keeper Willy Wonka: a big night out. As she fell asleep, Wile and I took the keys and entered the secret room. 

Once in, we snooped around. I  gave up and sat in a chair. Just ask. I was complaining. I threw a box of chocolate in a locker, and it opened. Inside was a book of all the dirty deeds that the chocolate cartel was hiding as we made this discovery, the chocolate cartel walked in and t  cornered us once we they decide our fate. 

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