Chapter 7 Pictures

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I was exhausted and all I wanted was to sleep but someone was trying to pull me from my slumber. My body was being shaken as a person tried to jolt me away. My first thought was that it was my mother trying to wake me for school but when I opened my eyes it was Atsumu who had been shaking me. Atsumu's large frame was leaning over me as he gently shook me by the shoulder. 

My body went into panic seeing Atsumu leaning over me. I had always thought I was a person to run at the first sign of danger but I was wrong. When I woke to Atsumu leaning over me my first instinct was to punch him. It hurt when my fist collided with Atsumu's face. The punch was enough to send Atsumu falling back onto his bed. I sat up on my bed staring at him in shock at what I had down. 

Then I could hear laughter. I turn to see Osamu and Suna sitting on the couch. They were both laughing hard as they held their stomachs. My face became hot. I was embarrassed at what I had done. I quickly started spewing apologies. 

"I am so sorry Atsumu. It was just my first reaction when I saw you-"

Atsumu held out his hand signaling me to be quiet. He rubbed his jaw as he stood back up.

"It's fine Y/n just go get ready so we can leave," Atsumu said fairly calm for his usually hot-headed self

I mutter another apology as I get up to go to the bathroom. After secluding myself in the only privet room the first thing I did was drain my bladder. Once I was done I washed up before going to brush my teeth. The only thing was the toothbrush I used last night wasn't there. I guess one of the others threw it away by mistake so I grabbed another toothbrush from the drawer to use. 

As exit the bathroom I could see everyone near the front door waiting for me. Suna was holding my bag so all I had to do was put on my shoes. I let out a yawn as I put on my last shoe. 

"I'm so sleepy" I mutter

"You can sleep on the train ride home. I'll even let you use my shoulder as a pillow if you want" Suna offerd to me 

I could see the quick glare Atsumu sent to Suna but it didn't bother Suna.

"Let's get out of this hotel it gives me the creeps," I said as I opened the door for us

We all left the hotel together making our way to the train station. 


The train ride took almost two hours but at least our seats weren't near Atsumu or Osamu. I wouldn't have been able to sleep with glares they would have shot at us as I slept on Suna's shoulder. Unfortunately, Atsumu and Osamu joined us for our walk home. I knew eventually I would be left alone with the twins. Suna lived on the opposite side of town and I knew too well how close the twins lived to me. When we reached the intersection where Suna would split from us Suna paused.

Miya Twin's Pet (Yandere Miya Twins x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now