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"What did you just say?" Natara stormed into the house with hushed steps towards Mrs. Sanchez.

She can't have heard that correctly she presumed, she meant in her head. How can that evil have her sister hostage?

They all turned to look at Natara as she stormed in looking like she was about to catch a killer.

They didn't even know how much she'd heard but it didn't matter because they all knew the part she shouldn't have heard was what was said at last, there is no way she didn't hear it they all knew that.

"Can you repeat what you just said, are you saying my mother's husband has my sister as a hostage?" Mrs. Sanchez turned to look at Maria Susanna begging for a way out with her eyes but was there any?

"The hell you looking at my mother." She said when she realized the woman was looking at her mother she turned to her too. "Mom please, if it is something about my family tell me."

Maria Susanna was cornered but she knew it from the moment she received word from Mrs. Sanchez that when it got out it wasn't going to be an exciting sight to see.

"First calm down Natara and let's talk."

"Answer my fucking question. Was the Queens you were talking about my family?" Natara said bringing a sigh out of Maria and Mrs. Sanchez but a sudden man cleared his throat and said.

"It was your family." She closed her eyes wanting to grasp that thought in her head but not being able to, she opened them again and looked at Aaron. "Who was taken?" She just didn't want to think of anyone in her family being in that kind of situation.

But she knew no matter who it was it wasn't going to be simple to digest either.

"It was one of your younger sisters." She looked at Aaron and narrowed her eyes at him as if he were the one who took her.

"Natara calm down we are trying to come up with a solution." She turned to glare at her mother.

Before she spitted out her anger out to her. "You are trying to come up with a solution. God damn that Mom, you've known for three fucking months already and never once did you care enough to tell me." She turned at Aaron too. "Three months and you looked right in my eyes and lied to me for that long." She said to him and sighed.

"Just know nothing will be fine for both of you if something did happen to my sister." She said and turned around to walk away from them but Maria Susanna wasn't letting it go just like that because she ran behind her and reached for Natara's hand.

"Wait listen to me please Natara before you go?" She turned to her mother with a deep glare in her eyes.

"Trust me when I say that I care for the Queens for more than you would think, I appreciate and respect them for what they did to me. For taking you in and raising you like their own and for that I will forever be indebted to them so trust me when I say that I care and I would never watch danger go their way and let go just like that." She sighed annoyedly pulling herself from her hold.

"Are you saying that what Aaron just said was not true because if it is then to me it sounded like you did sit back and watched danger knock on their door while doing nothing?" Maria looked at her pleadingly with her eyes to understand her but Natara was just fuming with anger inside of her which was so confusing on one side because she didn't know yet of whom her anger was directed to.

"What Aaron just said is true b..." "That's what I wanted to know." She interrupted her mother and turned to leave but Maria wasn't giving up just like that yet without putting on a convincing fight.

She ran to her and stopped her again. "Listen you storming out of here there is no way that it is going to be of help to any of us. Your father has your sister and he has her with eleven other girls, they are his hostage but for six months he is not going to do anything to them now. We now have three months to get those girls away from that monster or even stop that once and for all."

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