Better Days

10 2 3

47th Street - New York, NY - 2011

Captain Rogers was awake.

Captain Rogers hadn't taken too kindly to the dog and pony show meant to fool him into thinking he was still in 1945.

Captain Rogers was making a run for it.

Captain Rogers was evading capture better than expected.

Captain Rogers was almost to the outer doors leading out onto 47th Street.

Rolling your eyes you unbuckle your harness. Coulson watches you carefully, a small smirk playing across his lips. "I thought you didn't want to get involved."

"I don't." You walk through the quinjet and out into the hangar as the loading ramp opens for you.

"This is Agent Y/L/N. I've got Captain Rogers, stand down before someone gets hurt." Your left hand drops away from the comm in your ear as flames erupt all around you.

With a pop and a bright flash of light, you're standing in the middle of 47th Street, a massive wall of a man barreling toward you.

Even in his khaki pants, white SSR shirt, brown boots, and head turned back to look over his shoulder as the other S.H.I.E.L.D agents fall back, you recognize him from the time you spent carefully thawing him out of the ice.

"Captain Rogers, please stand down." You say loudly, your voice clear and full of authority, hoping he'll at least falter long enough to see you and assume you mean him no harm. After all, you're an unarmed female, how dangerous could you be?

Captain Rogers is moving faster than you anticipated, and he barely has time to turn his head, your eyes meeting briefly, before he slams into you like a linebacker sacking a quarterback.

Instinct and training kick in, and you drive your shoulder into the large super soldier, using his own momentum to flip him over your back so you aren't steamrolled into the ground. He's more surprised than anything as you turn to look down at him sprawled out on his back on the asphalt.

There are a few whoops and cheers from the surrounding S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, most likely the STRIKE team since they're mostly a pack of rabid dogs, but your attention is laser focused on Captain Rogers.

"Was it really necessary to knock him on his ass, Y/L/N?" Fury calls from fifty yards down the street, making his way to where you managed to put an end to Captain Rogers' escape. You look over your shoulder at Fury and then at all of the other S.H.I.E.L.D agents slowly reducing the breathing room that would probably be helpful at the moment, considering Captain Rogers just woke up seventy years in the future.

You look back down at Captain Rogers and make a decision. "Trust me." You say, offering him your hand as he sits up. He looks at you, his blue eyes staring deep into your own. It isn't so much hesitation as it is simply trying to understand what situation he's woken up to, but he just stares up at you for a moment, unmoving.

You look back over your shoulder at Fury again and know you're about to really piss him off.

"Are you with me, Captain?" You ask when you turn back to look at Captain Rogers, stepping a little closer and emphasizing your offer for him to take your hand. He looks past you to all of S.H.I.E.L.D. waiting for him and then back to you.

With a nod, he takes your hand and you pull him to his feet, throwing your arms around him and focusing on your destination. Fury swears loudly as you and Captain Rogers disappear in a flash of light and flame.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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When I'm Gone - Book 1 of the Phoenix Rising Series (Steve Rogers X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now