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My name is Ethan Mar. And this is my story.


Hicks waited, watching the cameras to see as Kyle made his way from the estate to the main street in Westchapel. Westchapel was the biggest town in the Bubble, not withstanding the Zaun Pharmaceuticals complex. The Zaun Pharmaceuticals complex was at least fifty thousand people. Westchapel had around five thousand people, and they were spread out over a lot of land. The main street was full of shops and half a dozen restaurants. There was one coffee shop, Driger's, and many people were there at least once a week. The owners were both Knights who reported directly to Hicks.

The cameras in Driger's came up. The owner's, Mel and Cam Driger, were still behind the counter. Mel was crafting drinks as Cam was running the register. Hicks saw Cam look up when Kyle entered the coffee shop.  He glanced over at Mel and then motioned for Kyle to walk to the back of the shop. They slipped into the back room and then into the office.

Hicks pulled up the camera in the office and  watched.

"I didn't know that anyone was stopping by tonight."

"There have been some unexpected events. Hicks sent me out here to investigate."

"Here around Westchapel?"

"No, out in Tarrytown."

"Oof," Cam said, rubbing the back of his neck. "That's a long way, I dunno if I can go all the way out there tonight."

"I just need transportation, even borrowing your bike would be enough."

Hicks could see Cam light up even through the cameras. "Now that I can do," he said, one side of his mouth turning up in a smile. "Let me grab the keys and let Mel know." Cam vanished from view.

"Can you drive his bike?" Hicks asked Kyle. Kyle turned around to where the camera was and looked at her.

"Of course I can drive his bike. I've practiced on nearly everything, haven't I?"

"Yes, I suppose you have." She watched as Kyle turned away quickly and pretended to look around.

"Here you go," Cam said handing him a key. "It's downstairs in the underground garage. The tunnel comes out outside the town limit. Best way to get in and out secretly."

"Thanks Cam." Kyle shook his hand.

"Be safe, First Thorn." Cam slipped out of the office.

"Kyle, be careful. It looks like Zaun is going to be after you if they can get you." Hicks pulled up the other cameras in Driger's. "No one else in Driger's is from Zaun. You're safe to leave."

"Alright, thanks Commander. I'll be back in touch within a half hour." Hicks watched Kyle as he opened the other door in the office and disappeared down the steps.

Commander Hicks microphone crackled. She touched the side of her temple and allowed the communication through. "What is it Christie?"

"I've searched the house, I found a wanted poster." Christie's airy voice echoed through the mic.

"What's it say?" Hicks asked flicking through the cameras. None of them were working. Her forehead burrowed in confusion.

"They were here for the old man." Christie replied, Hicks could hear the paper rustling. "Apparently he was wanted for funneling drugs from Zaun."

The owner of the estate had worked for Zaun, but never had Hicks known him to be taking drugs.

"My guess is that they were here for the man, and the First Thorn walked into the whole situation. I don't know why they would have brought as many people as they did."

Hicks was still trying to flip through the cameras. She turned back to the center table and tried to pull up the floor plans. They were flickering on and off, and then it finally went out. The table was blank and the cameras were all static.

"Christie, is everything okay?"

"Was he guilty of anything else that we know of?"


"Garden, is the package safe?"

Hicks heard the words and ignored the static on the cameras and the empty table.

"Yes..." she said, her voice barely more than a whisper.

"Garden, this mission is over."

Hicks closed her eyes and allowed her head to drop. She knew exactly what the words meant. Christie was not alone. The enemy was still there and she was outnumbered. Every member of the Knights of the Rose were taught the simple phrases. It was the easiest way to state that they were out numbered without communicating it explicitly.

"Yes...initiate countdown." Hicks said quietly. She pulled up a monitor and found the proper identity.

The screen showed a picture of Christie, she had a lovely face, long blond hair pulled back into a pony-tail and her brown eyes filled her face with happiness. Five foot seven inches, one hundred and thirty pounds, twenty seven years old. Hicks wiped a tear away. She entered in the numerical code she needed and then put in her own passcode for authorization.

"Christie," Hicks voice was soft when she replied. "Thank you for your service."

Silence met her. She turned her mic down and waited. Just barely audible was the resulting explosion that she knew filled the house and caused it to erupt into a fireball.

"I'm sorry Christie, you served us well." She turned from the monitor as Christie's face faded away. With her dead, the system didn't recognize her anymore. She would have to keep an eye out for Kyle to make sure that he was not being followed.

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