24. Chap 24

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Suddenly, a loud crash echoed from outside the room, disrupting the standoff. Namjoon's head snapped towards the door, concern flashing in his eyes.

"What the hell is happening out there?" he muttered, releasing his grip on me momentarily.

I took the opportunity to step back, ready to seize any chance of escape. "Looks like your perfect little plan is falling apart," I retorted.

Namjoon glared at me before storming out of the room to assess the situation. I quickly scanned the room for any possible means of escape, my mind racing.

As I reached for the doorknob, a voice echoed in my head – Yoongi's words about losing two.

I couldn't ignore the cryptic reference any longer. What did he mean, and who were the two they had lost?

Before I could unravel the mystery, the door creaked open, revealing a chaotic scene in the corridor.

BTS members were engaged in a heated argument, with Yoongi desperately trying to maintain order.

Caught in the crossfire, I had a choice to make – stay and confront the unknown or use the distraction to make a break for freedom.


I wanted to make a run for it. I decided to jump out of the window of Namjoon's room. It was on the second floor.

"Well i won't be that much hurt by jumping out" I talked to myself. I then jumped out of the window.

As I leaped through the window, a rush of adrenaline surged through my veins.

The cool night air enveloped me as I plummeted towards the ground below. 

Panic gripped me momentarily as I realized the consequences of my impulsive decision.

However, instinct took over, and I quickly focused on mitigating the impact.

With a thud, I landed on the grass below, my knees buckling under the force. Pain shot through my legs, but I gritted my teeth and pushed through it.

 I couldn't afford to linger; I had to get as far away from the chaos inside as possible.

Ignoring the protests of my protesting muscles, I staggered to my feet and stumbled away from the building.

 My heart raced with each step, fear and uncertainty clouding my thoughts.

What would happen now that I'd fled? Would Namjoon and the others come after me?

 I pushed the questions aside, focusing on the immediate task of escaping.

The darkness of the night provided cover as I weaved through the maze of streets, keeping to the shadows to avoid detection.

 Every sound, every rustle of leaves, sent a jolt of fear coursing through me, but I pressed on, driven by the need to put as much distance between myself and BTS as possible.

After what felt like an eternity, I found myself on the outskirts of the city, the glow of streetlights fading behind me. 

I slowed my pace, allowing myself a moment to catch my breath and assess my surroundings.

I was alone, with nothing but the silence of the night and the distant hum of traffic for company.

Exhausted but relieved, I sank to the ground, my back against a tree.

The events of the evening replayed in my mind, each moment etched with tension and uncertainty.

 What had led me to this point? How had I become entangled in BTS's web of secrets and lies?

As I pondered these questions, a sense of unease settled over me.

Despite my escape, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was still trapped, that there were forces at play far beyond my control.

 And then there was Yoongi's cryptic warning – "losing two." Who were the two they had lost, and what did it mean for me?

Lost in thought, I didn't notice the approaching footsteps until it was too late.

By the time I looked up, a figure stood before me, silhouetted against the moonlit sky. 

My heart skipped a beat as I recognized the familiar features – it was Yoongi.

"You shouldn't have run," he said, his voice low and tinged with regret. "It only makes things more complicated."

I scrambled to my feet, my mind racing with fear and confusion.

"What do you want from me?" I demanded, my voice trembling.

Yoongi's expression softened, his gaze piercing yet strangely gentle.

"Answers," he replied simply. "Answers to questions you didn't even know you had."

Yoongi's unexpected appearance sent a shiver down my spine, his words hanging heavy in the air.

Despite the fear coursing through me, a glimmer of curiosity sparked within. 

What questions did I unknowingly harbor, and what secrets lay buried beneath the surface?

I hesitated, torn between the urge to flee once more and the compelling pull to confront Yoongi and uncover the truth. 

With a deep breath, I squared my shoulders, steeling myself for whatever revelations lay ahead.

"What do you mean by answers?" I asked, my voice steady despite the turmoil raging inside me.

Yoongi's eyes held mine, a mix of determination and sadness reflected in their depths.

"There's more to this than meets the eye," he said cryptically. "More than you can imagine."

A chill swept through me as Yoongi's words sank in.

It was as if he was hinting at a vast, hidden world beyond my comprehension, one in which I had unwittingly become entangled.

"Who are you really?" I pressed, my voice trembling slightly. "And what does BTS want with me?"

Yoongi's expression softened, a flicker of sympathy crossing his features.

"We're not who you think we are," he admitted, his tone laden with remorse.

"And as for what we want with you... It's complicated."

I took a step back, the weight of Yoongi's words pressing down on me like a leaden cloak.

Nothing was as it seemed, and the truth remained just out of reach, tantalizingly close yet maddeningly elusive.

"Please," I pleaded, desperation creeping into my voice.

"Just tell me what's going on. I can't keep running forever."

Yoongi regarded me for a long moment, his expression unreadable.

Then, with a resigned sigh, he nodded, as if coming to a decision.

"Follow me," he said quietly, gesturing towards the darkness beyond.

"But be warned – once you know the truth, there's no turning back."

Sorry guys that the chapter was short and the chapter got late. Due to personal reasons. Sorry again!!

Guys pls don't be a silent reader!!

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Stay Healthy and Stay Safe


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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