chapter three

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"Mumma!!" Valentine's face immediately lit up as he saw his little one run towards him. He picked the boy up as early as he could after his interview but they had still spent a few hours apart; too many for his liking. 

That along with the his first interaction with his new bosses and he was ready for some alone time with his baby.  

"Well hello, my little love! Did you have the best day?" The boy doesn't answer, all he does is whisper one more soft 'mumma' as he jumps into Valentine's arms, nuzzling his tiny face in his neck. He ran a hand through the boys shaggy chocolate curls, just taking a minute to remind himself that his baby is safe and happy and right where he belongs. 

"He did great today," a voice said from above his now kneeled form. Looking up, Valentine saw the man he left Luca with this morning; Oliver, he seems to remember. He guesses he must not have saw him in his haste to hold Luca. 

"O-oh, thank you. Was he happy?" He asks, stealing a glance at the man. He wasn't too tall, yet still taller than his own 5"2' frame, and he had what looked like lean muscle on him. Compared to Christopher Oliver was nothing, but he still had to be cautious. 

"He was a little sad after you left but he got along with the kids well. Even made a few friends I think. It'll just take him a bit to adjust." Valentine nodded along but his main focus was on Luca, double and triple checking that he was really okay. "You're a really good parent." Oliver's voice, that Valentine still hadn't decided if he liked or not, broke him from his trance once again. 

He looked up, ready to say thank you one more time, only to find Oliver starring down at him. Valentine flinched at the attention from the male, he wasn't sure he liked it. He knew Oliver was great with Luca, that was clear to tell, but he didn't love his prying eyes.

"U-Ummm yeah, thanks." He said, averting his gaze and rising to his feet, Luca still in his arms. 

"We go home now?" His son asks, looking up at Valentine with his adorable puppy dog eyes. 

"Oh, of course, get on your way. Sorry for keeping you." Oliver speaks after hearing Luca's mumble. "My name's Oliver by the way." He says hastily, Valentine already nodding and gesturing towards the name tag the man sported on his chest. "Ha, yeah, didn't think about that. Anyways... you are?" He asks after an awkward laugh. 

"V-Valentine." He stutters out begrudgingly, gripping Luca tighter out of instinct when Oliver reaches his hand out to shake. 

"Silly me." He says after he realizes that Valentine has his hands full. "It was lovely meeting you, Valentine." All Valentine can do is nod at the words as he turns to exit the building. He doesn't think he likes hearing his name come out of Oliver's mouth; let alone any man's mouth for that matter. 

"Alright, bug, it's time to catch the bus." Valentine spoke in Luca's ear as they headed to the bus stop a few blocks away from the daycare. It was freezing out, so he made sure the boy's coat was zipped up and his winter hat was on nice and snug. Then he unzipped his own thin, worn jacket and tucked the boy into it, just to be extra sure he was warm enough. 

He never really cared about his own health so long as his boy was safe. Although, he supposes that should change soon with the baby currently growing in his stomach. He could worry about that another time though, right now he just wanted to hold Luca as he snuggled into his chest. 

"Da wheels on da bush go roun n' roun..." He smiles to himself, listening to Luca sing the little nursery rhyme. His boy was perfect. He'd worry about the other little one soon. He had to, he knew he couldn't put it off for much longer.  

But for right now, he'd walk along this sidewalk, keep his boy warm, and try not to think about how cold he is or how much he wishes he could just have a break. 

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