chapter 6 encounter with the ferals

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"Click" "Click "

Approaching unknown planet out of Estrial solar system

Inhabitants: unknown

Signs of intelligent life form: probability 35.8%

Signs of wild life: abundant

(Scan inhancing) 2000 meters a head, life form detected....

Species: unknown

Gender: female

"Sir the scanner has detected female life form""

what are your orders?"

"Assess and capture"

"Yes sir"

Commander Kcass Fraytar from the planet Zalionuk, a warrior species, where their planet lacks females. Therefore females are treated as national treasures. But this does not apply to the unsuspecting females a head.

His facial features resemble that of a bull dog. With their scrunched up nose. Unforgiving tusk that point upwards over the lip. And is perfectly aligned with his Golden cat like eyes. Thick black bushy eyebrows and black wire frizzy hair. Where his looks are not ideal to human standards, his body surely makes up for that down fall. With his ripped defined sculptured muscles, In all the right places. His skin is almost a reddish orange colour, and is thick and rubbery.

It must be thick because it is required by his home planets climate. With two suns and three moons. Where the heat would put to shame Earth's hotest day reaching 128.°8 f is considered average, the night is also unforgiving reaching -198°c.

The Zali short for Zalionuk are also very loyal to there family. With an extreme protective nature. That is where commander Kcass found himself light years away from his home world. In search of females. You would think he would bring them back to breed. But that is far from the case. He and many others have received the News of the Solistrion Arena trials. Where every planet that is under Estrial command foreseen and ruled by the high counsel must put up 5 fertile females to enter the trials. As three of the Zali females that must partake are his kin sisters, he and his brothers will not allow this.

He is now confident that he has now found the 5 females that will replace his sisters in the arena trials.


Summer Prescott

My drunken state and the adrenaline with my nudist display. Sends me on a all time high. Some how my show of feminine beautiful, has some how inspired the rest of the girls to strip. Jenna has brought out the portable speaker and now we are dancing around the fire, in all our naked glory. Singing along to Ava max -kings and queens

If anyone else could see this, I would probably die of embarrassemnt. But at the moment I'm so in my feels that nothing can bring me down.

With all of us laughing and admiring ourselfs. I know this will be a night we would never forget. At this point each and everyone of us scream our fails in life. In hopes that the fire would burn it away, let the breeze pick it up like ash from the flames and take it else where.

Kylie- " I hate my co worker, I hope she chokes on the bosses dick !!!!

Danika- "I used my ex boyfriends tooth brush to scrub the stains out of the toilet"!!!!!

Miley- " Someone kept stealing my lunch at work so I purposely put laxatives in my lunch , then I clog up the toilets"!!!!

Jenna- "I'm bisexual"!!!!

My mouth drops as I gape at at Jenna. I've known her for years and this is a surprise indeed.

"So what your saying is your greedy eh"? "Can't have one gotta have em all" Miley slurs out
We all look at Miley and break out in more fits and giggles.

"Trust you to come up with something like that" Jenna says

"Well we love you either way" I say and Miley nods in agreement

That was the last thing I said before an unbearable high pitch ringing noise blast in my ear. By this point each and everyone of us are on the ground. Clutching our ears and screaming withering in agony. A white light so bright hits us and I know I'm about to black out any second. I swivel my head to the left to see 6 hulking figure closing in on us. I want to ask who they are but then my conscious darkens as I faint and fall into the dark abyss.


"Sir we have the females in sight"

"Servay them and check for weapons" or any guards"

"Sir it seems they are alone no other life form has been detected"

"What? Females alone and unprotected?"

"Yes sir" it seems these females fend for themselves"

"Sir it seems they are feral, one seems to be challenging the skies above",a declaration for war maybe"?

"Sir it seems the female has caused the other females to do the war cries to the sky"

"Check for danger!!"

"They are shedding their strange native garments" maybe they have eaten the green syconium fruits. That causes the body to itch"

"Sir I think they are performing some kind of ritual" I think they are dancing"

"Maybe they seek medical assistants for there itching problems"

"Wait for me to arrive I will see for myself"

"Yes sir"

Commander Kcrass:

Walking through the strange growth of plants, some small some tall. There plants are almost like ours but with different shades of green. Where ours are shades of red blue and purple.I admire these strange plants. I was quite surprised that things can grow here. They only have one sun, yet the planet seems to flourish.

I locate my men hiding behind a bush, staring at the strange females. As my eyes land on the group, I take my time to look at each and everyone of them from head to toe. They are petite and small. Extremely small to a male of my stature and size. There skin seems to glisten under the solo moon. Different shades of pale skin.There form is almost the same as the Zali females. But there breast have shades of light pink while another has a brown breast, odd but pleasant. What catches my eyes is the patch of fur between there legs. Our Zali females do not have these, what purpose does the fur between there legs serve.This is also strange to me we Zali have numerous shades of red and orange colouring around our sex,but never fur.I can't help but wonder if it is a defect, and maybe these females were cast aside for it.Looking over there faces I notice they have smooth Subtle features. The more I stare the harder it is to look away. These strange females are undeniable beautiful. I have meet many other species. But not one can compare to these females.

My gaze wonders around their native home they have created.Looking at their home, I can tell that these females must find life extremely hard.There living conditions are nothing but a flimsy hut. Do these females not understand the importance of a male warrior. Do they not possess the skills to make proper shelter.How have they survived for so long. So many questions with no answers. This to me gives me more determination to take these females. We will show them how females should live and shower them with food ,warmth and protection. To me they are the perfect candidates for the arena trials.

Their native tounge is unusually soft. Nothing like the Zali where we growl our words. I do not understand there strange language but it is pleasent to the ears.

Watching these strange females I signal my warriors to strike. We will have to use the stabilizer gun. It will hurt them but we need to put them to sleep to under go a medical examination. be continued.................

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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