Why Do I Always Forget That Humans Aren't Built The Same? (SMUT)

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A small girl stood in the middle of the forest with flowers on her face

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A small girl stood in the middle of the forest with flowers on her face. Her pale complexion contrasted with the dark greenery, while her pale blue dress moved softly with the wind. Her green jacket was visibly too big for her, yet she didn't mind dancing barefoot and laughing softly when she heard the trees joke with her. 

Observing her from his place, sitting on a fallen tree, was a not much taller man with raven hair and eyes that changed colours like the weather. His plump rosy lips formed a gentle smile as he caressed the flowers, longing for his touch. The light atmosphere surrounding them was something the two loved and needed a lot, considering the growing human population that started to destroy the ecosystem with their new inventions and greed. "Enid, Darling. Don't you think it is time to go home?" The man spoke tenderly, chuckling when she answered in Norwegian. "Levi, Lean and Caius are waiting for us at home, Little One" He reminded her and she turned to him with a grin "Can we come back tomorrow, Mother? The air is so fresh and I want to play with the gnomes!" The man chuckled but nodded his head, earning the girl a squeal before she jumped on her mother, hugging him tightly. "Ompf! Enid, be careful! I am not as young as I was once!" He joked when she nearly knocked him off of the tree. In response, she only giggled, giving her mother a soft kiss on his pale cheek. 

The two laughed at her behaviour, the nature surrounding them awed and carefully watched Mother Nature and The Forest Fairy interact with each other. Since Dillan found the small creature a few years ago, he adopted her and helped her develop her powers. She saw him as a mother, and so she started to call him that, startling the three residents of the cottage, while Dillan smiled at her sweetly. To see the youngest boy be called "Mother" was something none of them ever imagined, and it melted their hearts. Of course, Leviathan was the most emotional, complaining playfully to his brother that he was too young to be a mother and Levi was too young to become a grandpa! But the small family was slowly getting bigger, as the druid made an acquaintance of a certain Leon Scott Kennedy and Caius alongside Leander on their visits to different realities, met Eddie Munson, who was a soul brother to their growing coven. Both Leon and Eddie changed their names to Scott and Ewan, once they were brought into their world and started to live with the three ancient Korean Gods and the Shadow Hunter. 

The seven people had to move frequently so as not to raise suspicion about their lives. Times were tough and as much as Scott and Ewan were slowly getting used to it, their language, behaviour and even gestures were a bit out of time. Not to mention Ewan loved to bring attention to himself. It was accidental, but it happened. They travelled from one end of the world to another, staying in one place for only a few years before moving. Fortunately for them, Humans became more ignorant of the world surrounding them than ever. Unfortunately for Dillan, they destroyed his creations and by doing so, it destroyed him as well. 

Now, they live in France. Right in the middle of the civil war... And Ewan had to be involved... Forty years after the revolution, the whole thing had an impact on the ancient beings, as they took part in it... But Ewan was much more involved in the June Rebellion. To help him, and make sure he is safe, Scott, Caius and Levi had to be present there as well. Dillan, Enid and Leander were forbidden to participate, for they already had lived through enough wars as it is. Besides, the three young people had enough things to do on their own... Leandro moved back to Ireland for the time of the French Revolution and stayed there alongside Enid and Dillan, occasionally joining them on their daily walks to the forest. Enid was still learning about her Fairy heritage and powers, and thanks to Dillan, she was quickly learning control over what she could do. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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