chapter five|she's thunderstorms.

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she's thunderstorms
she's been loop-the-looping round my mind

she's thunderstorms
arctic monkeys

Joni and Eli woke up to the sun shining through her hotel room window, she never shut the blinds, perhaps her biggest flaw, but she just loved waking up to the sunshine. Eli however, was the opposite, although this morning, waking up with company, a golden haze cast over somebody who looked insanely good for the time that it was, he wasn't so mad about it.

'Because the night belongs to lovers,' Eli mumbled, tracing the words tattooed on to her side. 'Your song.'

The two of them lay there under the bedsheets, talking all morning since the sun came up. By some miracle, they hadn't run out of things to say, or put their clothes on for that matter. Joni had her back to the sun, which was shining over Eli's face and his long messy hair falling all over the place.

'Yeah,' Joni smiled back at him, pushing some of his hair out of his face as he lay there on his back, her leaning up on one elbow next to him.

'What's tonight's song?' Eli asked, his thumb still going over the tattoo on her side.

'Not sure yet,' She said. 'Maybe I'll steal one of yours.'

'Be my guest, you'll likely do it better than us.'

'Nah, I'm not sure.' She sighed. 'What's your favourite song?'

'Are you gonna play my favourite song?' He smiled, to which Joni just rolled her eyes and let out a little laugh when she realised he was winding her up. 'Aww, how-'

'Fuck you.' Joni said, squinting her eyes at him. 'You wish, mate.'

'Mate?!' He exclaimed, 'We just-'

'Calm it, I was teasing,' She chuckled.

He grabbed the pillow and knocked her in the head with it, she retaliated straight back until the two of them were lying there in a fit of laughter and aching cheeks. It was like that all morning, and the wildest part was that this was less than a week into the tour. They'd slept together twice, three if you include that one time from Glastonbury over a year ago, and yet there they were lying with one another, tracing tattoos and pushing the hair out of the other's eyes.

Last night when he went over to her hotel room, he said he'd leave after they did the deed, she didn't mind what happened and wasn't offended that he wanted to. Although the reality was, he didn't want to, he just didn't want to over step. Just as he did plan on heading off, he saw the half open notebook on the bedside table, and he couldn't help but ask about anything she was writing. That was it, they were up far too late talking music, inspiration and all sorts. Even now in the morning there they were doing the exact same thing.

It was strange, how they'd not run out of things to talk about, how they'd just clicked straight away. Maybe it was because they were so similar, similar dreams, goals and passions. Both of them had their fair share of one night stands or spontaneous in the moment actions, but never once had either of them stayed up for hours, or hung around in the morning without a moment of awkward silence. Any silence they did have, was never intense either. In a way, it made both of them nervous.

'What was the first song you learned piano?' Eli asked her.

'Bennie and the jets.' She laughed, 'Classic.'

'That is a classic,' He agreed, 'I can play like, ten songs max I think, I'm actually shite.'

'Nah, you'll have to show-' Joni was cut off by a knock at the door, 'Shit, go pass me that t-shirt?'

Rock n Roll (Elijah Hewson)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon