Chapter 5

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"Ms. Pham, it's such a pleasure to have you."

I reach out to shake his hand, hoping that my handshake comes off as professional and firm. I've been practicing it all week.

"Please, call me Hanni," I tell him, and he smiles.

"Of course. Then you must call me Jang-Wook."

The man in front of me is younger than I expected — maybe late forties — with impossibly white teeth and eyebrows that have seen more rigorous grooming than mine. He wears a slim cut suit that shows off his lithe frame, and adorns it with a hot pink tie. I like him already.

"We're so thrilled to have you," he repeats, gesturing for me to sit. I'd expected to meet with him in his office, but instead we're in a small boardroom to talk about the hospital foundation's upcoming home lottery.

"Well, let me just say that Pham Living is thrilled to be able to support such a great cause," I say. It's not even a line — the Trinity Central Hospital is a major cancer research hub and they have a particular focus on childhood cancers. Hard to imagine a more worthy charity than kids with cancer. "I think we can do something really special together."

"I'm so glad you feel that way," he says. "We just love that energy, and assuming you and Taehyung are both willing, we really want to get you two out there, engaging with people."

I bite my lip. Taehyung? I don't want to sound stupid for asking, in case I'm supposed to know who that is, but Jang-Wook must read my confusion.

"You know Kim Taehyung, of course? From Tmzs?"

"Oh." My heart instantly sinks. When Jake had mentioned we secured this spot on the fundraiser, he had definitely made it sound like we had ousted Tmzs from the position. Apparently that wasn't the case.

"Of course," I say, trying to sound smooth. "I haven't met him yet, but I know who he is. I just didn't realize they were still involved in the project."

Jang-Wook smiles. "Oh yes. They've been with us for years. Huge supporters." He pauses. "That isn't a problem, is it?"

"Of course not!" I assure him. And it's not, I suppose. Though it does mean I'm going to have to work twice as hard to get the Pham name out there.

There's a light rap at the boardroom door, and then a petite blonde woman sticks her head in. "Ms. Kim is here, Jang-Wook."

"Thank you, April. Send her in please."

Jang-Wook stands and strides over to the door while I smooth down my hair.

I'm not exactly nervous about meeting Taehyung, but he is the competition after all. And now that news has broken about my dad's passing, I'm sure he'll be doubly curious about me.

And then…

I feel her before I see her. It's a sense, more than anything, a change in the air pressure and a quickening of my pulse. I have to actually swivel the leather chair I'm sitting in to see her properly but I know even before I turn all the way around that it's her.


Also known as the woman who's been haunting my thoughts for the last week.


I just …


This can't be. It's a man, not a woman. Her name's Minji. Not Taehyung. And she's not a Kim. She has no affiliation with Tmzs.

Except for the fact that her fucking penthouse was basically a Tmzs showroom.

I manage to tune in to the conversation happening across the room from me.

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