Chapter . 1 - Secret

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"I can't hide The way I'm feeling inside" Kelly Price - Secret love

Friday, January 10, 2012


It was 11:30 in the morning, and I was thirty damn minutes away from me and my girls' new apartment. Let me tell you, this Miami Heat was no joke, and to top it all off, my A/C decided to play games with me and stop working in my lil 2009 Honda Civic and sweating like a pig up in here!

"Myiah, girl, can you believe this shit!?" I griped, fanning myself with my hand as we sat baking in my hot car.

Ly'Myiah let out a dramatic sigh, her curls sticking to her forehead. "Girl, I'm about to melt up in this damn heat. You need to get this A/C fixed ASAP!"

"Tell me about it!" I groaned, shifting uncomfortably in my seat. "See I gotta get a job like yesterday. I Can't be cruising in this heat you feel me?"

Ly'Myiah nodded in agreement, wiping sweat from her brow. "For real, Cherish. We gotta hustle and make some type of money. Ain't nobody got time for this heat and broke life."

I chuckled, letting it all sinking in. "Damn straight! Ain't nothin' gonna hold us back, though. We gon' make this year our bitch, hot car or not!"

With that, we turned up the music, determined to make the best of the situation as we headed to pick up Kiara and Jasmine from the airport. Ain't nothin' gonna stop us from slayin' this semester, not even this damn heat.


Thirty minutes later, we finally pulled up to the airport, the relief of escaping my sauna-on-wheels palpable. As we parked, I glanced over at Ly'Myiah, a smirk playing on my lips.

"Girl, it's too damn hot," I grumbled, wiping sweat from my brow in disbelief of how my car felt like the inside of an oven. Ly'Myiah laughed in agreement, her curls bouncing as she nodded.

"Yeah, I know, Cherish. This heat ain't playin' around," she replied, fanning herself with her hand.

We hopped out of the car, the blast of cool air hitting us like a sweet relief as we entered the airport. Scanning the bustling crowd, we searched for any sign of Jasmine and Kiara. And then, there they were, strutting towards us with all the confidence in the world.

"Cherish! Ly'Myiah!" Jasmine exclaimed, her arms open wide for a hug. I grinned, pulling her into a tight embrace, feeling the warmth of familiarity and friendship.

"Jasmine, girl! You ready to tear up this town?" I asked, excitement bubbling up inside me despite my usual reserved demeanor.

Kiara joined in the hug, her laughter ringing through the air. "You know it, Cherish! Ain't no party like a Miami party!"

As we made our way back to the car, the excitement of being reunited with my girls washed over me. But as soon as we opened the car doors, the oppressive heat hit us like a brick wall.

"Damn, Cherish, your A/C is broke as hell!" Jasmine exclaimed, fanning herself with her hand as she climbed into the backseat. I rolled my eyes, feeling a pang of embarrassment. "I know, girl. Trust me, I wish I could fix it."

Kiara let out a sigh, sinking into her seat. "Man, I should've just called a cab to come get me instead. This heat is no joke."

Ly'Myiah nodded in agreement, wiping sweat from her brow. "For real, Kiara. We out here sweatin' like pigs and it ain't even summer yet." I cranked down the windows, hoping to catch a breeze as we drove off. "Sorry, y'all. I promise I'll get it fixed as soon as I can."

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