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𝐈 𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐀𝐍 𝐀𝐒 𝐈 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎, my head pounding furiously and my ears ringing. I hesitantly peel open my eyes, taking a moment to adjust to the dim light in my bedroom with the curtains drawn closed.

I pull back my covers as I sit up as slowly as possible, gingerly bringing my fingers up to my forehead to feel the plaster that covers the side of my temple, able to feel the rough texture of stitches beneath.

I flinch at the sound of a loud crash outside my room, followed by the sound of shouts.

    “Scott? Stiles?” I call out cautiously before carefully standing up from my bed, taking a deep breath to get rid of the nauseous feeling before walking over to my door and slowly pulling it open. The sounds from downstairs have gone quite as I slowly walk down the stairs, holding onto the railing for support before tilting my head curiously at the scene at the bottom of the steps.

    “Uh, guys?” I bite my lip to suppress a grin as Scott and Stiles untangle themselves from the ground.

    “He got away,” Scott sighs as he closes the open front door.

    “Who got away?” I question as I stare at the boys. They share a look before Stiles speaks up.

    “Uh, it’s probably best if we explain this with you sitting down.”


I let out a breath as I drop my backpack to the ground before slowly sitting down, the leaves crunching beneath me as I do.

    “Hey, Allison,” I smile softly at the grey marble stone with her name engraved on it, “I know it’s been a bit since I came to visit you but you’ll never believe what’s been happening since you left.”

    “I went to Virginia, to visit my old childhood home. It was really hard to be there again, to walk through the house and just feel like I had to be able to recognise it but I couldn’t. It would’ve been a million times better if you could’ve been there.”

    “I got some incident reports on what happened that night and I-I don’t even know what to believe anymore. I was so sure Deucalion and his pack killed them, they were there that night, but the reports say they died from surgically precise knife wounds. Maybe they covered it up?”

I shift my position so I’m sitting back against the side of the cold stone, feeling closer to her this way.

    “While I was away the pack went to Mexico, Derek was taken by the Calavera’s. You’ve probably heard of them from your dad. They got Derek back, but found someone else too. Somehow, it turns out Kate never died that night. She’s turned into something, Derek told us it’s some sort of were-jaguar. She’s vanished again, with one-hundred and thirty million dollars. We don’t know what she’s planning.”

I sigh before speaking again.

    “Remember that kid I told you about, Liam? Yeah, this is probably our biggest problem of all right now. Something happened last night and Scott was forced to bite him to save his life. Now we just have to see if the bite takes, so either we have a dead kid on our hands or a newly transitioned werewolf with anger issues. I’m not sure which is worse to be honest.”

I glance over at my bag as my phone starts to buzz.

    “You know, that’s probably Stiles saying they need my help.” I stand up slowly, brushing the leaves from my pants before bending down to pick up my backpack, “I’ll talk to you later, Allison.” I pause for a moment.

    “I miss you.”


I make my way to the parking area by the side of the school, making my way down the rows of yellow school buses till I spot the pack standing in between one of the rows.

𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒   ||   𝚃𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚆𝚘𝚕𝚏²Where stories live. Discover now