I wish

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Regina's POV:

I stood at my locker, reaching for my lipstick, stealing glances at the picture that adorned the inside of my locker door. It was a snapshot of (Y/N) and me, a day that almost felt like a date. A day I will never forget, remembering every emotion and touch I felt. The day I thought fuck it and almost kissed her for the first time, what could have been.

With the picture in my peripheral vision, I carefully applied my lipstick, using the mirror that was also on my locker door. As I gazed at my reflection, I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. I was hiding my true desires, burying them beneath layers of pretense, and for the sake of what?

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice Shane approaching until he stood beside me, a smirk on his face. "Hey, beautiful," he said, his voice laced with confidence, "are we hooking up later?"

My heart skipped a beat, torn between the role I had to play and the truth that burned within me. I glanced at the picture once more, a silent plea for guidance. But I knew I couldn't reveal my true feelings, not yet.

Summoning a smile, I replied, "Sure," It felt like a betrayal, a sacrifice of my own happiness for the sake of appearances. But I had become adept at wearing masks, at hiding the longing that consumed me.

As Shane's arms wrapped around me, I couldn't help but feel a disconnect, a hollow emptiness that accompanied his touch. I yearned for the authenticity and connection I found with (Y/N), for a love that didn't require hiding or pretending.

"Great, I'll see you later then babe," He pecked me on the lips and as he walked away, I looked at the photo again, the weight of my secret heavy upon me. I longed for the courage to break free from the chains of expectation, to embrace my true desires without fear or judgment.

And before I can deep that anymore, I'm saved by the bell.


(Y/N)'s POV:

As I settled down in my seat, I couldn't contain my excitement any longer. Turning to Regina, I beamed at her, unable to hide the news any longer. "Regina, guess what? I've been chosen as the captain of the soccer team!" I exclaimed, my voice filled with a mix of joy and anticipation.

Regina's eyes widened in surprise, her face lighting up with an infectious smile. "No way, (Y/N)! That's incredible!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine enthusiasm. "You've worked so hard for this, and I couldn't be prouder of you!"

Her genuine excitement felt like a warm hug, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude towards her. Regina had always been the one to push me to be my best, to believe in myself even when doubt crept in. Her unwavering support meant the world to me.

As if on cue, Gretchen and Karen joined us at our desks, their eyes filled with curiosity. "What's all the excitement about?" Gretchen asked, leaning in with a wide grin.

I couldn't contain my excitement any longer. "I've been chosen as the captain of the soccer team!" I exclaimed, my voice echoing with pure joy.

Gretchen's eyes widened, and she let out a squeal of delight. "Oh my gosh, (Y/N), that's so fetch!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine happiness. "You're going to be an incredible captain!"

"You've really got to stop trying to make that word happen Gretch," Regina sighs.

Karen, always the planner, started brainstorming ideas. "We should definitely make matching shirts!" she suggested, her excitement contagious.

The thought of my friends rallying behind me brought a wave of warmth to my heart. I was incredibly lucky to have such supportive and caring friends by my side no matter what the rest of the school personally thought about them.

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