07. Overthinking

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The night is young
Then why do I feel old?
My heart seems heavy
With these thoughts untold.

What's the point of this all?
Am I doing it all for myself?
Or in the longing of the unknown
Future which lies ahead?

Everything is going fine
Yet I'm losing it all inside!
For once, just for once
I'd like to quiet my mind
And "live" my life
Instead of just "survive".

- Shazia

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To the ones relating to this, your mind isn't always right. Yes you should listen to your inner voice, you should pay heed to your thoughts, but you do not have to believe it all as true.

Just listen to your overthinking, and tell yourself that it is just a concern raised by my brain. Once you learn how to listen to your inner thoughts without believing it all, you will learn to control your overthinking.

Remember, your thoughts do not define you. You have the power to shape your thoughts.


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