[Vingette] Tears of the Moon

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I put my hand inside his, only a phantom. "Have you forgotten who you were before," he asks. The water is silver with moonlight, and laps against my skin gently. The rose floats beside me, leaking petals like blood.

"Who was I?" A whisper, gentle breeze across the water. It's getting colder now. We were children, once. Before it all. Before the moon descended down and painted his hair silver, and burned my skin the patches shaped like cigarettes.

"The sun," he lowered my hand. I knew what he meant. That was so long ago. We knew the world then, its edges and cracks. I shined and he reflected my beauty. Death, don't take little Leda away from me now.

"Don't make me."

"You're not real," the horizon is darker now. Haven't I endured enough? I cheated and lost the only thing that mattered. Doomed cycle. Losing over and over.  "Don't try to fool me."

"You're delirious. You don't have to do this." The moon called my name, a keening which split my ears apart.

"I'm already dead."

"And if your sacrifice is in vain?"

"Then so it shall be."

I felt the ice. It started at the toes and crept lazily upward. My hand turned translucent. His wail of grief haunts me. He spared the moon her tears. He who never cried, crying for me. 

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